Storm got a chance to hunt on Harsens Island. This is the same area where she ran a couple of Hunt Tests last year. The hunters had a decent draw and were able to select an area of flooded corn which is reserved for hunters who are hunting over a dog.
Storm loved taking a boat ride out to the hunting area. She enjoyed sitting on a pile of decoys and smelling all of the good smells in the air. The weather was cold, but the morning turned bright and sunny. The wind was blowing down the corn so although the hunters would have prefered to set up with the wind at their backs, it was not possible. They set the decoys as best they could. In the next picture, the sign in the upper right marks the start of the Reserve. Dogs may retrieve in marked areas on the edge of the Reserve, but hunters cannot enter.

For this hunt Storm would be required to stay on a dog stand. She was a good girl and waited patiently for the ducks to show up. She heard the hunters she was with calling, as well as hunters from nearby hunting areas. She could also see ducks fall in nearby areas. But she sat there and waited for her hunters to down some ducks and to be released to retrieve.

The hunters shot their limit of American Black Ducks (a drake and a hen) early on. Unfortunately that was all that seemed to be flying. Storm ended up with two retrieves for the day, both falling inside the corn. She found her birds and brought them back.

All had a great day. Thunder was a bit beside himself for being left at home, but he will get his turn in a couple of weeks.
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Great site/blog. Stupid question. Is the camo jacket strictly camo? The brown color does not suffice? Or is it also something to keep the dog warmer in the water? I know Chessies have oily coats that protect them but someone is defending labrador fattiness as needed in cold water, and is using the Chessie build as a point of comparison. I see some stocky Chessies but they don’t strike me as being as prone to fatness. THanks.
The neoprene vest is to help maintain the dog’s core body temperature when the water is cold. Storm was sitting on a stand and there was no place for her out of the wind and weather on this hunt so she wore a vest. Our dogs live in the house and generally don’t get full coat until January and this hunt was in Lake St. Clair which is a large body of water and quite cold in November. Yes a little body fat does help but too much is as harmful as too little. Plus we rarely see fat labs in the duck blind. We have trouble keeping weight on the dogs during hunting season so sorry not buying it.. Does the Chessie shown look fat to you?