You might have noticed a new badge on our sidebar.  We would like to thank Just Ramblin’ for awarding us the Noteworthy Archives Award.  We are honored to think our archives are worth searching.  Thank you Just Ramblin’ for coming up with this great award.

Part of the award states:

If you want to help another blogger shed light on a few dust bunnies, then go for it. As you visit fellow bloggers, take a moment and dig into their older archives to find a post you have not read.  Let others know that you have found “Noteworthy Archives” worth digging for by leaving a message in their comments! Do the same if you are just checking out some new blogs. Let them know they can post a badge award to display so others may start to read their older posts that are hanging around with the dust bunnies in the dark and are just waiting for some fresh air. 

So many of the blog on our blogroll are worth reading.  I encourage you to check them out, especially their archives.  But for right now, I would like to pass this award on to Gone for a Walk who makes me think and makes me laugh.  Take some time to check out her blog and her archives because they are indeed noteworthy.

I’d also like to pass this along to youdidwhatwithyourweiner.  I enjoy reading about those little dogs and their adventures.  Definitely noteworthy archives!

Also noteworthy this week was how solid Thunder has been in training.  Noteworthy and troublesome.  Sometimes (more often than you would think), if a dog has a really good training week, the wheels fall off at the test.  😆  Whatever the outcome, we plan to have fun this weekend.

We never did find cover to train land marks (and they cut the grass at the park this week–drat!), but we did stretch him out on both land marks and blinds.  He did really well on the marks today, but we will see how he does with cover at the test.  At least one will be a shot flyer so I bet he knows exactly where that bird falls.

A few pictures of Thunder’s land work…

Land Blind
Land Mark
Land Mark
Land Mark

I hope to get some pictures of both Thunder and Storm at the test.  I am going to try really hard.

Have a nice weekend!

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