Storm just needed one more pass on Sunday for her HR title and lucky for her, the Sunday Land Test was very straight forward.

Ohio HRC Sunday Land Test (Numbers are the order the birds were thrown)

It was a double, with a diversion, a blind, and a walk-out.  The challenging part of this test was that the field had a lot of cover and the marks were fairly close.

Land Field

To get to the test, the handlers and dogs had to walk through a large stand of trees because the line was on the left side of the field in the above picture.  The placement of the line made it impossible to watch the test or take pictures because the gallery had to stay in the trees and the view was very obstructed.

Entry To The Test Was Through Trees Like These

There were not many dogs entered on Sunday so it wasn’t long before Storm was up.  I elected to stay at the truck with Thunder.  I could hear the gun fire once and then I heard “Here!”.  I knew Storm broke.  I didn’t hear any other shots so I waited.  It was a long time before I saw Storm and her handler again.

Finally I saw them and got the story…Storm was very excited and anxious, even in the holding bind.  She tugged on her leash and her handler had a tough time getting her to heel at the line.  For this test, the handler could either sit on a bucket next to the dog, or stand.  Storm’s handler elected to stand for the marks.  He fired at the first mark and Storm was steady, there was a delay before the second bird went off and then the popper got stuck in the gun so he had to take his eyes off her for a second to try to get it out…and she was gone heading for the first bird!  She never saw the second bird because the gun was never fired in that direction.  Storm’s handler tried to call her back, but since she ignored him, she was failed for an (un)controlled break.  (No doubt Storm was thinking: “Why would I come back when I don’t have the bird yet?”)    Eventually Storm’s handler was finally able to get her back to heel before she got the bird.

From Saturday-Maybe If I Crouch Down He Won't See Me Creeping...

Even though Storm was out, the judges said she could pick up the marks if her handler wanted.  This is where schools of thought differ.  Some handlers would not let their dog pick up the birds after a break.  However, Storm’s handler wanted her to have a correct send since this was our last test of the season.  Storm is sent on her name, so her handler brought her back to heel, lined her up, said “Storm”, and sent her to the “Go” bird.  This was the bird Storm never saw, so adding to the mess that was this test, she changed course and went and got the “Memory” bird first.  She had to be handled to “Go” bird which was fine since it was a good opportunity to work on her handling on a mark.  She finally got the “Go” bird; however, on her way back she tripped over a log which was in the field, but not visible due to the high cover.  Storm was like Jill of the Jack and Jill rhyme fame and tumbled head over heels, even dropping the bird.  She came up limping.  But the trooper that she is she picked up the bird and brought it to her handler.  Her handler checked her leg, there was no blood (thank goodness), but she was tender near one of her toes.  The judges said that Storm could run the blind, but at that point her handler picked her up.  If she had an injury, there was no point in making it worse by finishing a test that she had already failed.

From Saturday-Fanny To The Ground!

Not the best way to end the season.  But it will give us the winter to work on her steadiness.  In retrospect, she was not as steady as she could have been the day before either.

From Saturday-Someone Is Not At Heel

We elected not to wait around and run the water series which was set to be in the same stick pond as the day before.  😉  We made arrangements to meet with Storm’s breeder to drop her off because he is taking her to the Nationals.  Her foot seemed fine when we dropped her off and the next day there was no limp, so Storm is now off to the Nationals.  Best of luck to her and to all of the dogs competing.  Dog shows are not Storm’s favorite thing, but since it is an outside show, she will tolerate it.

As for hunt tests, we will have to wait until Spring to pick up her last Seasoned pass for her title.  Hunting season is upon us.  Grouse season is open and woodcock is opening this weekend.  Season and bag limits here.  Waterfowl will open for Michigan’s middle zone next weekend and the south zone will be open the weekend after that.  Season and bag limits here.  Thunder has some hunting planned for this weekend and Storm will have her turn when she gets back.  Hunt tests are all well and good, but the 2 brown dawgs live to hunt!

Tomorrow, I will have some final comments to wrap up our hunt test season.

2 thoughts on “Last Test A Bust

  1. I’m glad that Storm did not do serious damage when she tripped over the log, that is the good news.

    Sorry she had such a hard time, but as you said it gives you the winter to work with her. I can’t wait to hear how she does at the Nationals.

  2. Hi Storm & Thunder,

    I’m finally here! My human is helping me do this comment using her new software that types for her as she speaks, so she can rest her arms from her RSI – it’s not bad,huh? But it does still make mistakes and my human has to keep stopping to correct it so it’s a bit annoying and very slow – it takes us double the time to do the same thing! So please excuse any funny words or spellings in my comment!

    Anyway, my human wants to take over the comment now –

    Honey the Great Dane

    I don’t understand anything about hunting but it’s fascinating to read what you write! 🙂 Poor Storm! How unlucky to trip like that! But I’m glad she wasn’t badly hurt. Good luck to her at the Nationals!


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