We had a nice visit with the pups on Sunday (Day 13).  Smokey is doing well and is a good mommy.  She let us spend time with her babies while she took a break in the living room.  The pups are really gaining weight.  They are moving around a lot and some are even trying to get their little legs under them.  As soon as they do, they topple over.  😆  So cute.  Some have a little white on their chest and a couple have a little white on back toes.  Their eyes were not open yet when we were there, but it looked like they might just be starting.  I had a good long session of puppy petting.  That will cure what ails you.  🙂

Here are some pictures…

Puppies Day 13

Thanks to Cindy and Gary for letting us come over to visit.  🙂

24 thoughts on “A Visit With The Pups

  1. Oh my, they are just so cute. You can definitely tell they are getting a little bigger too!

  2. You started my day off perfectly – what could be better than looking at piles of puppies first thing in the morning? Beautiful, adorable pups!! 😀

    PS – Does Cindy happen to have a video of the puppies trying to stand and toppling over? That would be awwwww-some! 😀

    1. I am not sure. I know someone brought a video camera for her to borrow, so maybe… Then as I was sitting there, I was thinking that I could have videoed with my camera, but that was on the way out. They were sleeping a lot, but when Smokey came back and they wanted to eat, that was when the fun started. 🙂

  3. So during all that puppy loving, did you pick out YOUR puppy? How do you choose from such a batch of cuties? I say take the AWE one. 😉

    1. No it will be a while before any pups are matched. We know it will be one of the six boys, but until they are older, it is hard to tell personalities. I know Cindy plans to do some temperament testing on them and then they will be looked at as far as conformation and they will probably see some bird wings…then she will match puppy with owner depending on what the owner wants to do with the pup. She did a good job picking Thunder for us (even though I had my eye on another), so we trust her. She knows what she is doing because she has been doing it so long. 🙂

      I think the awe one is a girl. 😉

  4. I don’t think my MOM could ever leave them. Her visit would last forever. They sure are CUTE!

  5. Hi Linda! They are all just so unbelievable sweet!
    You have so wonderful winter feeling here in your blog with the snowflakes and snow!
    x Teje

  6. So adorable!

    Between you and Jen at My Brown Newfies, my blog reading is overrun with cute brown puppies and it is AWESOME!

  7. Thank you for sharing! I needed a cheering up today. 🙂 Nothing better than puppy photos to make you feel all fuzzy inside. (Well, maybe having actual puppies on hand is better…but pics are the next best thing!)

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