Isn’t it just like a puppy.

Everything is going along fine…

Freighter Watching A Water Mark

The puppy swims out…

Freighter To The Bumper

And does a nice retrieve…

Good Boy!

Heads back…

Almost Back

And then it happens…

Oh No

Nature calls…

But I Am Holding The Bumper

Ah well…carry on…

Back To Business

This is a Blog Hop.  Thanks to  Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog, Luna, a Dog’s Life, and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop.  Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

Monday Mischief

Tomorrow some video of Freighter’s first shot flyer.

49 thoughts on “Monday Mischief–When Nature Calls

  1. hahahaha
    Doggy has tarted to mark every tree, as general rule I don’t stop if we are walking or running and he’s on the leash, he gotta learn that no marking is allowed while running, but when we are going off leash is hard to keep him from doing it.

    1. I think in this case, Freighter just drank too much water. Poor thing barely made it out of the pond. 😆

  2. My dogs have definitely stopped me to do their business in the most awkward locations, I simply couldn’t help not smiling. Great photos 🙂

  3. LOL thank you for a Monday morning chuckle! Don’t you know as soon as you get in the water, you have to pee?

  4. When ya gotta go. Do they take points off for such a thing? Seems unfair is so. Still I think he did great. Maybe he should have peed in the water. hahha

    1. They really don’t score the return so the dog wouldn’t loose points. However, I would not want them stopping on the way out. They might loose points for that at the higher levels.

  5. LOL! I wonder if when Freighter was retrieving that he was singing “I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go right now!”

  6. Ha! Ha! Too cute. And then he kept right on working…

  7. Yup, nothing like a swim to remind you its time to go!

  8. I’m proud of him for holding onto the bumper!

    For some reason, Elka always wants to pee in the creek. I tell her that nobody likes the kid that pees in the pool.

  9. Haha Freighter,

    Nothing’s gonna stop you bringing that Bumper back, hey?! 🙂

    I hope you’re having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  10. Ahhh…YES! Every once in a while this happens with my guide dog puppies in the middle of a grocery store. It’s not that fun when it happens in public places.

  11. He’s thinking wow just made it!! I think his training is going great since he didn’t drop the bumper 🙂

  12. Sweet Freighter we can understand that, water is so much fun but it does tend to make one need to pee more often. Good job picking up and carrying on after you took care of business. Hugs and nose kisses

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