Last week Freighter had to deal with ducks during training.  This week it was the geese.  The park where we train is suddenly full of them.

They were lined up like an audience.

They were watching while Freighter headed toward the bumper.

They were watching while he picked it up.

They were watching while he brought it back.

And they kept watching.

He gave them the stink eye.

But they just kept on watching.

This is a Blog Hop.  Thanks to  Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog, Luna, a Dog’s Life, and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop.  Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

Monday Mischief

46 thoughts on “Monday Mischief–They’re Watching

  1. What a good boy Freighter! You had quite the audience. Those geese can be pretty intimidating, too.

    P.S. – Happy 10 month buddy! 🙂

  2. It looks like the stink eye only works on some species. 🙂 Happy Monday, looks like you did a great job Freighter!!

  3. Wow, that’s funny how they watched him the whole time! Glad he was able to ignore them for the most part!!

  4. I can’t believe those mean old geese were trying to get you in trouble Freighter. I bet ignoring them really ruffled their feathers. Nice job.

    1. I have tried to leave you a comment more than once, but for some reason I cannot get the comment box to recognize the code I enter. Sorry. 🙁

  5. Hey Brown Dawgs, Jet here. Hi Miss Linda.

    Love the fall foliage and new design… (we’ve been away far too long!)

    Good work freighter giving them the ‘ol stink eye!

  6. Thanks for giving those geese the Stink Eye! They leave way to many messes around! Maybe now they will leave! BOL!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  7. Hi Y’all,

    That’s a pretty good “stink eye” Freighter! Just don’t forget to take that bumper straight back to the human or the human will exact his vengence. 😉

    Thanks for visitin’ me!

    Hope y’all are havin’ a great day and a safe week!

    Y’all hurry back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  8. Oh Freighter, what a good boy! Rita hates birds. I’m sure she would have taken off after them. She has a very bad trainer for a Momma!

  9. Way to go Freighter! Linus would have chased those geese. He’s a big fan of herding small animals.

  10. Good job Freighter, I know you really wanted those geese and I think they made it harder on purpose. However you fought the temptation and brought back the bumper :-))))
    We have 2 protected lakes only fish and geese allowed. Since the geese know they are safe, they come over and yell at the Newfs for walking (on road) too close to their nest. They get mean!!

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