This ‘N That Thursday is for those times when you want to post about unrelated topics or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post.  It can be anything you want, so feel free to grab the button and join us!

This 'N That 3

My week has been consumed with something going on with the American Chesapeake Club which is the parent club for our breed.  I may share my thoughts on it at some point, but not right now.

Right now we are waiting on a big snow storm to hit us on its way to slamming those of you on the east coast.  They are talking about as many as 6 inches here, but a possible 10 inches up at our cabin!

Freighter is all anticipation.

Maybe I Will Be Able To Get More Snow On My Nose
Maybe I Will Be Able To Get More Snow On My Nose

Thunder is not impressed.

Blah, Blah, Blah
Blah, Blah, Blah

Have a great Thursday and keep an eye to the sky if you are in the path of the storm.

17 thoughts on “This ‘N That Thursday

  1. To the Newfs disappointment we are going to be missed by that and get rain:( Good Luck with that, hope to get what the gang thinks is just the right amount for some fun:-)

  2. Ut oh, that sounds kind of ominous. 🙁 I hope everything is okay.

    Our weather forecasters are saying anywhere from 1 to 2 FEET! But now I’m hearing it could blow farther east and not bring quite as much. I tend to take a wait and see attitude. 🙂

    Have a great weekend!!

    1. Not ominous, just complicated to explain here. lol I am waiting and seeing about the snow too, as is Thunder apparently….lol.

  3. you be safe too! We are on the path of the storm but not the path with double digit snow…we are supposed to get 4-6 inches starting tonight.

  4. We have lots of peeps in the Boston area waiting for this storm! I say, LUCKY THEM!!!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  5. Our wish is that you have the amount of snow that you want to have, no more, no less.

  6. We are hoping the big storm hits us straight on later in the weekend! Us dogs and mom love snowstorms…the bigger the better!

  7. We got about 3 inches in Chicago! Aladdin was having a ton of fun in the slushie that was our city! Hope Freighter enjoys it! 🙂

  8. Oh boy…all day long at work today I kept hearing about the Big Storm A Brewin. We’ll what actually happens, and if it’s enough that I get Saturday off 😉

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