Winter days can be cold and dark. Well at least that is the way it is here in Michigan and especially this year. What to do when it is too cold to be outside? For dog lovers, a dog show might be just the thing to get out of the house and have some fun.

Most people think a dog show is all about the dogs in the show ring, but it can be much more. It is true that shows at smaller venues are usually limited to Conformation Judging and sometimes Obedience and Rally, but at the larger venues they often include other fun events.

Something that the AKC has included in the larger shows is “My Dog Can Do That”. This is the posting from last week’s show. Source

If you are curious about some of the AKC performance events, you can bring your dog and try them out. These events are not limited to pure-bred dogs. It wasn’t too long ago that the AKC frowned on people bringing their dogs to shows. But at certain shows they are encouraged. At the show this past weekend I noticed many people who brought their dogs and most dogs were well-behaved. But be advised that if your dog is reactive, a big show may not be a good fit because it is loud and there is usually a lot of activity.
If you don’t want to bring your dog, but just want to watch some events to see what they are all about, a show like this is the perfect place. Most exhibitors are more than happy to answer questions after they have finished showing and sometimes while they are waiting. It is a good opportunity to meet people from various training clubs and groups and maybe find a new place to train.
This show also offered something they called Rescue Row where they offered free space to qualified 501(c)3 breed rescues.
There were also various demonstrations. We were busy exhibiting so I did not get a chance to see most of them, but I did catch a little of a police dog demonstration. This dog was trained as a narcotic/bomb sniffing dog.

I got there a few seconds after the presentation started so I did not catch names. After explaining the job of a police dog, the officer did a short demonstration where the dog used its nose to find narcotics. For the demonstration, the amount was extremely small…I am estimating 1/2 teaspoon.
I took a bit of video.
If the video won’t play try here.
Don’t forget the shopping. This year I did not do too much damage. Besides Freighter’s new collar, I only purchased this hand towel because it was Chessie and you hardly ever see Chessie stuff. 🙂

I was tempted by some cute plaques, but didn’t give in.

So if you are looking for something fun to do with the family, a dog show may be a fun adventure. Most exhibitors are more than willing to let you meet their dogs and if you are thinking of buying a purebred dog it is a great way to find out more about the breed from the people who know them best.
Next week I have a post planned about what goes on in the show ring and what kinds of things the judge is looking at. I will also have part two of my Canine Health Screening Series.
We had planned to return to field training this weekend, but the weather forecast tomorrow is for cold, snow and wind. Training will have to wait for better weather. How many days until Spring?
Have a nice weekend.
Looks like a great way to spend a day and come back lighter in purse no doubt. We can never resist the shopping bit LOL. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
It can be a fun day for sure.
wish I could have made it but didn’t go this year. mentioned you in our post last week when we blogged about it, we linked to you. I mostly didn’t go because I LOVE the shopping there! I got the BEST pawprint duffle travel bag there a couple of years ago that I use the heck out of!
Lucky for me, this year I wasn’t as tempted by the shopping, but last year, I spent a fortune.
All of our indoor shows have “No unentered dogs allowed” in the premium list. I wonder if that will change. Something needs to be done to bring more people into the sport. I like the idea of teaching people to dust off the dog they HAVE and do something fun with it.
I remember the first demo the police dept did here with their new canine corps. It was back in the early 90’s. Only one dog released the perp on the first (or fifth!) command, and the handlers had to point out where the drugs were. We’ve come a LONG way since then!
I was surprised to see that they allowed dogs from the general public to come in. I think the AKC is really looking to get more people involved in events with their dogs. Sometimes around our office, police officers come to train their dogs for tracking. It is pretty fascinating to watch them. They usually come after 5 when most of the buildings are empty and track all around them.
I love that Chessie hand towel! Looking forward to hearing about what goes on in the show ring. I know that in “people competitions”, contestants will many times try to psyche their fellow competitors out to give themselves an advantage – does anything like that go on at dog shows between handlers?
Yes that can happen at shows, but mostly Chessies are a supportive group. Of course there are always one or two who are not.
I was tempted by those plaques too! I didn’t do too much damage… a few Scentsy bars, a couple antlers (no better place to get antlers than dog shows, seriously), a fleece tug toy and a new show lead. Okay I probably didn’t need that last one, but it was pretty! I missed the drug dog demonstration but I caught some herding… I think it is nice that AKC is allowing the public to bring their dogs… I didn’t see many incidents at all. We did the CGC test and passed so that was fun as well!
On Friday when we were leaving there was almost a dog fight between a Doberman and A Rottie. They came nose to nose at the “My Dog Can Do That” exhibit. Of course we all started yelling: “hey, hey, hey” and that drew their attention and the owners were able to secure them. That was the only thing I saw.
Interesting. It’s been a long time since I have been to a dog show so I had no idea they added all these exhibitions and activities. It seems like it would make for a fun day, with or without a dog. I love the Chessie towel. It is rare to find Cairn terrier stuff as well.
Stay warm this weekend!
Oz (and Gina)
P.S. My support group hop is only once a month – and no matter what one day I picked, it would collide with another hop. I am hoping that since it is only 1 day per month, it will not interfere with other hops, like your new one (of which I read many posts yesterday and thought it was quite a cool hop)!
Happy Weekend!
LOL I am late replying to comments. No worries. 🙂 Hops are supposed to be fun!
Love that towel, that is really cute. I know there are lots of things for dog people that aren’t showing and they usually have fun dog stuff to purchase.
They really have tried to make this show a destination for non show people. It has come a long way in a few years. I know the clubs must have put a lot of work into it.
DUCK HERDING?!? Huck herding! That other stuff is all well and good, but what does duck herding look like? That sounds like FUN!
I have never been there to see it. Pity…lol.
Great information. I don’t spend to much time at the show after I show so I’m not sure if any of this stuff went on at the shows I was at. It was great for you to high light it and talk about it so now I will be looking out for it. Very nice towel! I want to get back into training also but it is so cold here. I am going to to the k9 kamp hind and seek challenge so i will be hiding bumpers around for the dogs to find so I can get some training in.
We got more snow over night. I think the season total is getting close to 60 inches. Too much!
I really want to go to a proper show- I’ve been to 2 fun and charity ones. Didn’t win anything but Mom still says I’m a champion.
If you can find an outside show, those are really fun, provided the weather cooperates.
What a fun indoor show…and you’re right, having the rules of how to greet a dog at the entrance was a GREAT idea. 🙂
We have an AKC event near here in the summers for people to try out a lot of different dog sports like rally, agility, and even dirt dog, and we also have quite a few dogs shows that may have try agility or try rally – but I haven’t been to one where EVERYTHING was combined like that. Must have been quite an event!
I think letting people try things is a wonderful way to get them involved. Sometimes something like obedience or rally doesn’t seem as hard as people think once they try it.
I love going to dog shows and have to admit the booth shopping is one of my favorite things. It is so cool they let other dogs participate in the activities. That sort of fun will bring more people out to see what the shows are all about. If you are looking for a new dog, it is a great place to see the best of the breeds. I have seen dogs that I didn’t know existed before a show. It’s a great family outing. Thanks for a great blog post!
You are right, shows are an excellent way to meet breeders and learn about the breed.
That looks so fun! I think Maya would love to go to one. She can be pretty crazy for the first 5 or 10 minutes, but once that excitement wears off, she will be mostly pretty good. It would be fun to see if she could try out some of the tests. BTW, I love watching police dogs in action. My dad used to have a drug sniffing dog when he worked in narcotics.
You would have enjoyed this show. There was a lot of fun things going on.
I’ve seen Chessie stuff even less frequently than I’ve seen Doberman stuff!
How very neat that they had space for rescues. Also neat that they had horses and military dogs (or at least the organizations?) in those rescue rows (and Dobermans!).
Most of the larger shows welcome rescues. I wish I had more time to visit with them.
Hi Y’all!
Haven’t been to a dog show in years. There really aren’t any anywhere nearby.
Chessie stuff is difficult to find.
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
It sure is difficult to find Chessie stuff and many times it is pricey.
I love dog shows. Always nice to get a peek through the pictures. Have a lovely week.
Thank you. 🙂
I’ve actually thought about trying to title Delilah in Rally, but as she’s older and has never really been exposed to shows, I don’t think I’m willing to attempt it now. 🙂 Besides she only conforms when she wants to, it would be more of an entertainment factor than anything else.
Sometimes for dogs not comfortable in an indoor show, outdoor shows work. They can be quieter. I heard from some of the obedience exhibitors that they did not like this show because it was loud.
Looks like it would be a lot of fun there, I would need to leave money at home, too many cute things to buy. : ) Love the Chessie towel and plaques. I have never been to a dog show. Hugs and nose kisses
I was pretty good this year and didn’t break the bank…lol.
It really does look like a lot of fun. We don’t see too many dog shows going on in our area though. At some of the Summer fairs they have the Dock Dogs competitions and we always enjoy spending time watching them.
Dock dogs is a blast to watch!
Love going to dog shows! Always a good time and cheap thrills 😉 I used to help a friend show her Swissy’s and that was great fun.
Its fun when you know the dogs entered. 🙂
Those are some great activities and events at the dog show. All the shows I’ve gone to have just been the standard events, although some of the shows on the West Coast have a theme to them and handlers dress up like hippies, etc.
Wow I bet dressing up for shows would be fun…lol.