No we didn’t go to a tropical island. Yes we still have a ton of snow and more snow coming. But Sunday it was sunny and warm(er) and the dawgs got out to play in the snow.
This winter has delivered a lot of snow and we have piles of it everywhere. That’s OK. The brown dawgs think snow piles are fun.

Of course Sunday was also Groundhog Day and if the groundhog is any predictor, the brown dawgs will have six more weeks to enjoy the snow.
fabulous fun in the sun and snow photos! Bet you got some good ones yesterday too since it was so sunny. Be safe during the next onslaught of snow tonight and tomorrow!
I have been stuck in my windowless office and missed a lot of the nicer weather. 🙂
You are so blessed to have snow and enjoy it. Here in the tropics we, long for snow because our temperature is rising; we think summer has come early. Anyway, have fun. x0x0x Vanilla Bean
I wish I could send you some. 🙂
What terrific snow pictures you got of the dogs. They were having a blast in that snow and you captured the fun very well. You do have a LOT of snow, it is a pretty snow but looks so cold. We have freezing rain this morning Chancy and I don’t like that stuff. Hugs and nose kisses.
It has been cold here, but the sun came out today and that helps. 🙂
Sometimes I miss the snow I used to get back home (on Long Island) — I know Callie, Shadow, and Ducky would have a great time playing in it! And I would enjoy watching them! But snow here in Greenville, SC, rarely lasts more than a day before it starts to melt. 🙁
Love your snow dog pictures!!!
Sometimes the best snow is the snow that only lasts a day…lol.
I guess you would be starting to feel that way by now after all the snow you’ve had up there, especially at your cabin.
OMD those really some snow piles you have over there. Glad The Brown Dogs enjoy having fun in them. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly
Lucky they like snow because they got a bunch this winter.
Fun indeed!
Earl and I from Earl’s World!
Wow! You all really do have a lot of snow. It doesn’t seem to deter the Brown Dawgs from having a ton of fun outside. I sure hope it warms up for you soon.
Cairn cuddles
Thanks Oz. The sun came out again today and that helps. 🙂
Great pics, it looks like they had a great time!
They do love to play in the snow. 🙂
I hate that groundhog right about now! We had 50 degree weather Sat and Sun and then got 4 inches of snow last night and more coming tomorrow. LOL
Looks like the brown dawgs really enjoy the snow, I can’t say mine are that enthusiastic for it.
I can’t remember the last time we got close to 50…lol.
I agree – “fun in the sun” doesn’t always mean warm temps! I love seeing the Brown Dawgs romping in the snow, it reminds me of our last dog. She was large too, and she LOVED catching snowballs, jumping show piles, and burying herself in the snow, then surfacing covered in white. I particularly love that last photo with the flying ears! 🙂
So much fun watching doggies catching snowballs. I think poor Daisy would be buried in the snow we have this year.
We all love to go out and play in the snow. Bailie is really getting into it, no more fear of sinking in like she used to have. I bet she and Freighter would really have a blast!
I bet they would, but Freighter is almost 86 pounds and plays rough. I would be worried for poor Bailie…lol. Freighter does not know his strength,
They are so adorable! We like snow if it’s not too cold out. I think we are going to get some freezing weather after this snow fall, though. Maybe I’ll show Maya and Pierson photos of you pups playing in the snow so that they don’t feel left out. 😉
Too bad you aren’t getting snow. Freezing rain and ice is no fun!
OMD that is a HUGE pile of snow! Great shots of them playing in it.
We have lots of piles…lol.
6 more weeks? Yay! All of that snow looks like so much fun!
It is fun but I would be happy with an early Spring.
Aw you! I thought for sure you went to an island LOL!
Thats a lot of snow guys! Well, at least the dawgs have a great time!
–Siamese smothers frem Happiness is Siamese–
LOL maybe they would like to go to an island. 🙂
Great photos! Jeffie, Rudy and Rosie are jealous of all your snow. Our storm yesterday brought only 2″
2 inches can be fun too. 🙂 We got 2 inches just last night.
They do look to be having a great time!
They love to chase. 🙂
That is a lot of snow, they looked like they enjoyed it very much. I love the last photo! Ears in the air make me smile.
Yeah I got all three flapping…lol.
Love these fun pictures! They had a blast, I can tell. 🙂 I hope they continue to enjoy the snow!
I fear soon the snow will be ice. 🙁
I’m not sure the dogs care about the sun as much, they’ll have fun no matter what out there in the snow. But when I’m out there with them, I love to have the sun….it already feels a bit warmer when you’re standing in it!
The sun makes a big difference for me too. 🙂
It might not be tropical for us, but it sure is for the Chessies. Enjoyed the photos.
Thank you. 🙂