We entered Freighter in a four day dog show that is starting today. That is right, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Unfortunately Freighter will not be at the show.
On Sunday we noticed he was limping a bit after training. On Monday it seemed a bit worse and on Tuesday he was licking his foot so much that I had to put a cone on him.

I could not see anything, but it was really sore and I suspected a problem with his toe or nail. Off the vet. They had to sedate him to look at it. They found that he had an impacted nail which was jammed into his nail bed. Ouch! They had to remove the nail and cauterize it. They also took an x-ray and luckily his toe was not broken. He was sent home with an antibiotic, an anti-inflammatory, and I had to pick up a pain-killer at the pharmacy.

He is OK but still limping and picking his paw up. Needless to say he will not be in any shows this weekend and he is on a bit of a layoff for training.
I had a whole nice 4-day weekend planned. Plus we have to eat the entry fees. Bummer! Oh well some times things don’t work out.
On a brighter note. Last weekend we met the people who owned Storm’s mom Jenny. We had never met them before and we did not get to meet Jenny.
It was fun to compare stories about our dogs and how they were alike and how they were different. In many ways Storm is very much like her mother. Both are/were the neighborhood watch dogs.
Here are some of pictures of Jenny and Storm thanks to their breeders Irish’s Clover Leaf Kennel.

Storm definitely resembles her.

What do you think?
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Ouch! Poor fuzzy love. On another note, is it just me or does Thursday seem to come around more quickly each week? Love keeping up with stories of your gorgeous creatures, even if I rarely find the time to write!
Oh no that is a real stinker. We send healing vibes and POTP and we hope all will be well soon and you can get back to normal. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly
Dude – that’s awful – so sorry for your pain! I hope your people slip you a few extra treats to help the medicine go down.
We sniffed the computer and thought that Jenny and Storm smell VERY similar. Our person said they also looked very related and lovely.
Hope he’s feeling better soon.
Aw, poor Freighter! Just thinking about his jammed nail makes me hurt! Hope it heals quickly!
And yes, Storm definitely looks like her mama!!
Oh no! Poor pup! I’m glad he is on the mend!
Sorry about the show. 🙁 I entered Rama in a 4-day show recently and just heard that the major won’t hold. 🙁 Great. 🙁 There’s always next time, I suppose.
Give Freighter love and wags from our gang to yours!
You’re right. Storm does look a lot like her mama. I’m glad you got to meet the “grandma”. And I’m sorry about Freighter, but glad it was quickly taken care of. Have a great weekend anyway!
Prayers to St. Francis for a quick recovery Freighter! Hope the adjusted weekend is an enjoyable one….
Two very strong and elegant lady Chessies! Both are classic, and yes the genes do carry down the line.
Storm has really the same look like her mom, both are beautiful! , I had the same problem with my toe and my nail last year. Even my dad got a cauterization, because he ignored the warning of the vet to stay away from the table. I hope the meds will help and Freighter feels much better soon.
Poor little paw! Hope it heals up quick; good on ya for catching it.
Hi Y’all!
Oh you poor fellow! I know it’s really hurtin’ if you’re showing it hurts! Paws crossed for a quick recovery. That “stall rest” they prescribe is the worst part!
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Oh Freighter, what did you do? Poor pup, hope you are feeling better. Too bad you can’t go to the show and enter in the cone competition, maybe you could pull a win there. Everything happens for a reason, who know why this happened.
Oh no, Freighter! How does a dog get an impacted nail? Storm makes me laugh, haha 😛
We think he banged it on something while training. Maybe a log in the water or at the edge of the pond.
OIC, thanks for explaining 🙂
I think Storm does resemble Jenny; they’re both so beautiful. Poor Freighter though! OUCH!! Daisy sends her love and says to tell Freighter she understands the whole cone-syndrome thing. 😉
I think Storm looks a lot like her mom! They are both very beautiful dogs.
I sure hope Freighter is feeling better, that must have hurt like the dickens. I jammed my finger once when I was about 10. I’ve forgotten my name a few times, but I’ve never forgotten that pain. LOL
Enjoy the unexpected free weekend. (Although it did cost you.) 🙁
Ouch, that sounds like a pretty painful injury, I’m glad it’s nothing too serious and they were able to get him fixed up (even if he is missing out on a great weekend).
Poor Freighter! Will a missing nail impact his show career, or will it grow back?
I believe it will grow back. It happened to Thunder before and his grew back. Sometimes it takes a while. The problem for the show was his limping. We were afraid that he would be excused. Also, since it is so sore, I would not want a judge poking around at it. No sense having a bad experience.
Oh, i agree about giving him time off for an injury!
Of course he seems to be feeling much better today. But we still don’t want to chance the ring. lol
Oh dear! Poor Freighter! Hope he’s back to his normal self soon. It’s so cool that you got to meet the owners of Storm’s mom–that’s one thing I wish I knew about my Barley girl. I only know the teeny tiny bit of info the shelter gave me, which was either that she was picked up as a stray or picked up from a home by animal control, so I have very little info about how she became the dog she became. How fun for you to learn about the similarities between Storm and mom!
oh my what a bummer and here I am getting sad that I am loosing entry fees to a loss and you don’t even get to go try and you have to eat your cost. GEEZ I have to stop complaining! Hopefully he will heal up fast and be back at it. What you going to do now with all your time? Have a great day.
Oh no … hope Frieghter is feeling better fast. He is a very active dog and I’m sure being down with an injury is not easy for him. Good thing you caught it quckly and it did not develope into something worse. Good news is your weekend just opened up!
I hope Freighter is recovering quickly, poor guy. It’s so disappointing to have big plans like that and have to change them, but you are right that sometimes things don’t work out….that’s life.
I think Storm looks very much like her mother!
We liked the pictures and post but not that sweet Freighter has a sore toe. Ouch, that made me shiver when I read about it. We sure hope he is all healed up very soon. Hugs and nose kisses
Sorry to hear about Freighter, and four days of show fees to boot. Storm’s mom is a beautiful Chessie, and you can sure see the resemblance.