The Mid-zone Waterfowl Opener finally arrived Saturday.  It’s the day Thunder waits for all year.

Thunder saw hubby getting the hunting things together the night before.  I don’t think He slept much.  He was so excited!  There was no way hubby was leaving without him!

Finally it was time to get ready to leave.

Getting Ready
Getting Ready

They had a good morning.  Not many Wood ducks flying, but they got one wood duck and one gadwall.  We don’t normally see gadwalls on our river so that bird was unexpected.

Thunder Opening Day 2014
Thunder Opening Day 2014

The weather turned crummy as the day wore on so hubby decided to call it a wrap.  So ends opening day 2014.

18 thoughts on “Opening Day 2014

  1. Thunder looks very serious about his work! At least the day wasn’t a total wash and he did get a couple of birds. Well done!

  2. Well at least there was some success. Our weather today has been awful all grey and rainy skies just what you don’t want a on Monday. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Sorry I took so long to get back to you. Hubby breasted it out as he did the wood duck. I was hoping he would get more, but since he didn’t I put them in the freezer. It is kind of a tradition to fix them on Thanksgiving as Duck Rumaki. I marinate the breasts, cut into pieces, add a water chestnut, wrap in bacon and broil with a bit of a plum sauce brushed over. Tasty snack for lunch. 🙂

  3. Hi Y’all!

    Oh you lucky fellow, Thunder! We don’t have gadwall ducks here in the southeast.

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  4. I’m glad Thunder was able to at least enjoy the morning!!

  5. Mom and I are imagining Thunder with a calendar marking off the days until opening day! Too bad the weather turned, but it was opening day, so there will be more to come.

  6. Well at least he got a couple of birds!! Yay for that. I hope he’s getting lots of hunting in this week.

  7. Thunder has such a noble and wise old man face! The senior dog hunts again!

  8. Is it me or does it seem the style of your photos have changed… more close ups than before… I love it.. and the colours… 🙂

  9. Sorry to hear the weather turned, but glad they at least got out there for a while, and had some success!

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