Daylight Savings Time ended in the US last Sunday which meant that we all turned our clocks back an hour. Hooray! We get back the hour of time we lost when we sprang ahead one hour last March.
What to do with the extra hour?
I know! I know! An extra hour of sleep. Yeah, that’s it. An extra hour of zzz’s in the nice warm bed.
Not in our house. Not with three dawgs who have no understanding of Spring Forward–Fall Back.
At our house rise and shine time is very early. 4am early. Everyday. Or at least most days. (Dogs have no understanding of workweek vs. weekend either.)
So 3am Sunday morning the brown dawgs were up and at ’em. No dawgs! Your body clocks may say it is 4am but the clock on the nightstand says it is 3am, go back to sleep.

Nothing doing. Brown dawgs listen to their internal body clocks and their body clocks say it is time to take care of their morning business and to have breakfast. It will probably take a week or two to adjust their schedule so that they Fall Back with the rest of us.
So what about you? Have you adjusted?
All week I have been posting pictures from the brown dawgs’ pheasant hunt last weekend. You may be wondering what we did with all the pheasants. Hubby cleaned them.
But he had help.

After they were cleaned, we gave some to a neighbor and I froze the rest to cook over the holidays. I have a couple of recipes I want to try. I will share any that turn out particularly good.
This is the Thursday Bark And Bytes Blog Hop hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like A Dog.
The Barks And Bytes hop is open for all topics; however, Jodi and I ask that if you want to participate in the hop, you either share the linky list, or link back to one of our blogs.
Thank you to everyone who entered the hop and the Howling Good Give-Away last week. Stop by tomorrow because we will be announcing the winner.

This is one of the reasons I deliberately don’t feed my dogs at specific times or keep a specific schedule with them. It keeps me from being pestered about it when time changes happen, or when other life events throw in their own twists.
Except that when the human is on a schedule, it is kind of necessary. 🙂
Hi Y’all!
Yep, my Human is “inchin'” my time around. She points to the clock and says “too early”…but I know it really isn’t. She only changes my time half an hour though. Why? ‘Cause in March when it starts gettin’ really hot in the low country she wants us “up an’ at ’em” before the heat rolls in.
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
I guess you are well set on pheasant for a while! The time change doesn’t bother us much as we don’t like to get up early, so we welcomed Mom staying in the sack a bit longer. We also vary our eating times during the week as much as an hour or more here and there depending on our schedules, so that isn’t a big deal either. The only change is we have been going up to bed on our own at 8 rather than 9, but that doesn’t bother anyone 😉
OMD 4am …3am way too early for us. Gosh it still must be dark o clock. Sorry we could not do that as we all are bed-heads here. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly
Oh UGH!!! I don’t do 4 AM, let alone 3 AM!!! We slept through the time change, as did Daisy. One of her best traits is that she’s willing to sleep in whenever we do, and we definitely appreciate that!
I don’t know why, but my guys don’t have a problem adjusting…they are both pretty good about sleeping until we get up. Must be a senior thing. Enjoy your pheasant!
We’ve been very good dogs, adjusting to our person’s need to rest more these days. Sometimes she even gets up, lets us out and feeds us and heads back to bed – when we get the chance we like to pile in bed with her and take an extra nap too 😉
Yes, my terrier clock is off too especially around meal times. Silly Spring Forward-Fall Back. I was wondering what you would do with all those birds. We are definitely interested in hearing about some yummy recipes you make!
Happy Thursday,
No we have not adjusted around here. It is usually almost time to change the time again when we adjust to the change…we are slow movers. lol Chancy will sleep as long as I do, but Pooh the cat is another story, if I am not up when she thinks I should be then she walks on me and makes all the noise she can running through the house. We don’t like time changes. Pheasant sounds so good, I have not had any since 1966. Enjoy a few bites for me please. Love the pictures!! Hugs and nose kisses
The funny thing is this. Hubby’s turn to get up with the dogs on the weekends is Sunday, since I take Saturday. He forgot to turn his clock so he rolled over, saw it was 6:15 and got up. Then he took a look at the clock on his phone (after he had both dogs up) and realized his mistake. hehehehe
My dogs have done fairly well in the morning, but Delilah is having a bit more difficulty with the evening. But as you say, she should adjust in a bit.
Squish and Phoebe the PBGV nowhere near adjusted to the time change. They both wake up about 4:45.
That’s about how the time change went around here too. It’s normally 5:15 during the week here, sometimes earlier on the weekends if my hubby wakes up early. I believe they got up about 3:30 on Sunday morning! Luckily I got to go back to sleep and I think I might have gotten an extra half hour…LOL.
What does pheasant taste like?
Oh my goodness – 4 am is bad enough, but 3 am!? One of my favorite things about Rita is that she loves to sleep in! We usually get up around 6.45 on weekdays, and she often just wants to stay in bed! Or she’ll get up with us, then sneak back to the bed (even before she’s had her breakfast). But, yeah, the time change is confusing – it takes a while to get used to the switchover! She thinks dinner time comes earlier than I think it does!
Wow that’s pretty darn early. I think we’ve adjusted well enough – though I really don’t like driving home in the dark; winter time is always more challenging for evening walks. Fortunately Laika doesn’t seem to be bothered though – rain, shine, light, dark, she’s always ready for an adventure.
I’m still trying to recover too from the time change. Gambler took care of 3 pheasant breasts from our shoot yesterday. I cleaned them, put them in a bowl and set on the hood of the truck while I went and got something. Gambler jumped up there and knocked down the bowl and ate three breasts.
LOL he said he does the work, he eats the bird!
Even Macha who enjoys an extra forty winks, well, when the internal alarm signals, “It is time!” Erynn keeps her own little schedule, sleeps if exhausted, then a middle of the night playtime…chew the bone, check outside, sniff the air, toss the fox…whatever. No fooling her after she catches a few more winks, daylight savings time? My tummy says it is “Time”.
But, we might indulge the humans with an after breakfast snooze! At 5:00 a.m.! Since this is Erynn’s first time through this seasonal change, who knows when the real adjustment will take.
We kinda struggled with the time change this year, even the dogs. I need to set up a mud room for cleaning birds, etc. The kitchen sink just isn’t working.
Ours are upset because Dad is always late now. Aspen eats twice a day but gets nervous waiting and Mica will only eat once and we both have to be home. Dinner is always late!