In honor of National Limerick Day, our pal Oz the Terrier (who is an awesome limerick writer), challenged us to write a limerick.

Right away Thunder raised his paw.  He is no Oz when it comes to limerick writing, but he figured he would give it a shot.

If you have been following the blog the last several days, you know that Glory of Sand Spring Chesapeakes is in town to be bred to Thunder.  Hopefully in a couple of months there will be Thunder x Glory puppies.

So without further ado here is Ode To A Stud Dog:

Ode To A Stud Dog

There once was a stud named Thunder,
Who hoped to sire a pupper.
Glory was pretty,
He must be witty,
Or he would stumble and blunder!

How Am I Doing Glory?
How Am I Doing Glory?


11 thoughts on “Ode To A Stud Dog–A Limerick

  1. BOL!!!!! That was a pawesome limerick!!! I hope Thunder and Glory are getting along >wink wink<. Who wouldn't love to see some pups?!?

  2. I think it is pretty good, but she doesn’t look real interested! Hope things work as planned for you two.

  3. Good job Thunder!!

    When is this all taking place, come on Thunder, Get er done! 😉

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