Freighter earned his Senior Hunter Title on Saturday.  He is now SRR’s Northern Gales Of November SH.

SRR’s Northern Gales Of November SH
SRR’s Northern Gales Of November SH

Freighter finished his title on Saturday but since we already had him entered on Sunday, he ran that test too.  He was steady for all of the marks and honors both days.  He still needs to continue to work on it, but he has come a long way this summer.  His marking and handling was very nice both days.  Next will be Master level tests.

I was able to get some pictures of him working and will have those and more about the tests later this week.

It was a long hot weekend.  Thanks so much to the judges and workers who did a fantastic job under very difficult conditions.

24 thoughts on “Freighter Earned His Senior Hunter Title

  1. Whoopee, well done! You guys work so hard, and achieve so much with your hunting. We always feel the same pride when we achieve results in our agility.

    1. I don’t think people realize how much time and training is put into some of the AKC titles. Not only do you have to qualify once, but multiple times to earn the title. I always enjoy reading about your agility efforts (AKC and others).

  2. So proud of you, Freighter!! I knew you could do it. Good Boy!!

    1. Thank you. The heat was tough, no doubt about it.

  3. Quite the pair those two! The hours and diligence to detail have created a champion! Will be interested in following Hubby and Freighter on to the Master! Great commentary, photos, and diagrams to journal this brown fellas journey!

    1. Thanks Martha. I think hubby had fun running him this past weekend.

  4. Yes, it was a nasty hot and humid weekend, we were at nose work which was toasty! I got my NW1 title too, so I’m one happy pup!

    1. I think Sunday was even worse than Saturday because on Saturday we got a storm and it cooled things off for a bit so a break in the heat. No such thing on Sunday. Freighter needed to pass 4 tests for title (which he got on Saturday), but since we had already paid, we ran him on Sunday too for a pass which makes 5 straight Senior passes for him. Compared to where he was last year, he has come so far.

      Congrats again on your title!

  5. Congratulations, Freighter! That sounds like quite an accomplishment especially if you were all battling heat.
    Looking forward to seeing the highlights.

  6. Fantastic! You must be so proud of Freighter and he’s so handsome on top of all that talent!

  7. Hi Y’all!

    Oh you look so handsome and proud next to your senior ribbon! So glad you gave your humans such a great reward after dragging them out in all that heat!

    Y’all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  8. I saw it on Facebook and I was so excited for you all. Congratulations all around for a job well done.

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