Over the Winter months Freighter’s marking seems to have fallen off some so a couple of weeks ago we gave him a refresher with a Y Drill.

Chesapeake bay Retriever
Freighter Is Happy To Run Some Marks

One of the skills a dog must demonstrate at a retriever hunt test is “marking’.  Marking is where the dog watches a bumper (or a bird) thrown and must “mark” the area where it falls and then go and retrieve it.  Marking is a natural ability, but in higher level tests multiple marks are thrown which can be challenging.  It is a matter of the dogs watching the bumpers fall and remembering were they are.  In training we throw a lot of marks for the dogs in all different configurations; however, sometimes it is good to get back to basics with some drills.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Heads Off To Retrieve A Bumper

Y Drill

The Y Drill is a series of three single marks thrown in the order indicated in the diagram: angle back, flat or straight out to the opposite side, and angle in.  The person throwing the bumpers should be fairly close, maybe 50 yards away and visible (wearing a white shirt or coat).  A shot should be fired before each throw to get the dog’s attention.

Y Drill
Y Drill

We are using orange bumpers because we are in an open field so they should be visible as they are thrown, but not so much when they land in the field with cover.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Using His Nose To Find The Bumper In Some Short Cover

Unfortunately Freighter has been running a lot of marks in the local park on cut grass where he can easily spot the bumper.  We want him to be proficient at watching the arcs of the various throws, going to the area where the bumper fell, and then using his nose to hunt them up because he will have to do this at tests where there may be higher cover.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Retrieving An Orange Bumper

The Y Drill is a good refresher and seems to have helped Freighter because his marking, including multiple marks, seems to be coming back.  At the end of last season he was consistently marking triples.  He has a test in a couple of weeks and will need to be consistently marking triples again by then.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Nice Work Freighter

11 thoughts on “Practicing Marking With The Y Drill

  1. I guess training in different environments and areas is beneficial to keep a dog ready for anything.

  2. Freighter will get the job done! Sort of lie a kid after summer vacations, a few cobwebs, but the patters are there!

    1. Love the positive thinking. He has to pass 5 tests consisting of three series each so I think it will take some time to get this one and will require out of state travel. 🙂

  3. I wondered if they used their noses some when hunting out the bumpers, and you answered my question before I could ask it! 🙂

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