Hunt test season is here so it is time to update our canine first aid kit.

We have an extensive first aid kit which travels with us wherever we go.  It gives us piece of mind because so many times we are out in the field and not near a store to buy first aid supplies.

Many of the items in our canine first aid kit can be used by people too.  In fact we have had to use them a time or two over the years.

Canine First Aid Kit
Items From Our First Aid Kit

Some items that both humans and dogs can use are: items to clean and dress wounds, saline solution to flush eyes and wounds, pain relievers, antibiotic cream (canine and human versions), medications for stomach upset, Benadryl tablets in case of an allergic reaction, latex gloves, antiseptic wipes, a tick key to remove ticks, scissors, forceps, tweezers, and vet wrap.

Items specific to the dogs are: a muzzle, their immunization records including rabies certificates, extra leashes, a thermometer and petroleum jelly to be used only by the dogs, and a list of the dosages of the medications we carry appropriate for each dog’s weight.

Canine First Aid Kit
We Use A Plastic Case For Our Kit To Protect It From Inclement Weather

The items just for people are: hand sanitizer, sunscreen and insect repellent.

Updating Our Canine First Aid Kit

Each year I like to take everything out of our kit and discard any items that are out of date.

List Of Out Dated Items
List Of Out Dated Items

I make a list of those items so that I can replace them.  I also organize the remaining items and take out any duplicate items.  For example, we do not need an entire box of band-aids in our kit so I just keep a few and replace them as we use them.

TIP: Take items like band-aids and tape out of the boxes and put them in plastic sandwich or gallon bags to save space.

Once I have reorganized the items, I pack them all neatly back in the case making sure to purchase the items on my list and put them to our kit.

Canine First Aid Kit
All Nice And Neat

Do you have a canine first aid kit?  Have you updated it lately?

Canine First Aid Kit
Thunder And Storm Are Wiped Out From Helping Me Update Our Canine First Aid Kit

10 thoughts on “Updating Our Canine First Aid Kit

  1. Looking at your kit makes me want to re-do my kit. I have a great one, but it needs more items; I have to stock up again. Plus I need one for the car. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  2. It’s important to check and update it now and then as with time some things do go bad or bandaids can dry up we have found.

  3. I’ve never thought about having a first aid kit for our pups, and think it’s a really, really great idea — THANKS for this post, and the suggestions of what to put in it too, I appreciate it!!!

    I hope you all are doing well, and have a good weekend!!

  4. This is an awesome first aid kit – and Thunder and Storm are beautiful! Let’s hope they have a great season…

  5. I do have one, but I have not updated it lately. I keep one in my car, and even though we don’t travel a lot I like to have it for when we drive to places for walks, hikes, or swims. That is such a great idea to go through it and update what needs it, I will have to do that.

  6. That is a great first aid kit. We haven’t been traveling with the dogs for a while but I need to write some of those down. I always have all the things we would need in my travel kit but need to put together a good one for our Newfs.:)

  7. Yes & yes 😉 I have one for the car and one for the house, and recently updated both. I like your storage container!

  8. That’s a pretty thorough first aid kit and some good ideas, I need to get mine a little better stocked. I carry my emergency and first aid supplies in a backpack while hunting.

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