Nothing distracts a Chessie from a retrieve.  We had a demonstration of this last weekend.

Freighter was pretty warm after running a couple of triples so we decided to throw him some fun retrieves in the water to cool him off.  The only problem?  “Others” were also using the pond and they were not interested in moving out of the way.

Geese Pond
Lots Of Geese Using The Pond

Nothing Distracts A Chessie From A Retrieve

No problem for Freighter.  He can be very focused when he wants to be.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Heading For The Pond
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Notices The Geese In The Pond
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Is On A Mission To Retrieve The Bumper
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Launches Into The Pond
Chesapeake Bay Retrievers
Hang Time
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Make Way Geese Freighter Is On A Mission
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Has The Bumper

Yep, nothing distracts a Chessie from a retrieve.

You may be wondering why Freighter doesn’t go after the geese.  He has been trained to retrieve what he is told to retrieve, which in this case was a bumper.  Another time it may be a dead bird.  He has also been taught not to go after live birds that may be in the area.

Does your dog get distracted?

13 thoughts on “Nothing Distracts A Chessie From A Retrieve

  1. ha! that’s eggs-actly what I asked myself while reading… thanks for answering THAT question of all questions… Easy’s middle-name is distraction, he even interrupts his business for a noise or any point of interest…. but that is not his fault… it’s ours :o(

  2. Erynn had not been exposed to ducks floating, live, on the bass pond. One squawk and the race was on! She is fine in a car riding along the river, it might prove difficult to give chase! If her four paws are on the ground…off into the pond, even to the point of swimming and then balancing on a fallen submerged tree, those ducks did not get persistent Chessie girl, finally taking flight. More training, new commands!

  3. Nice work. My mom lets me go after the live ducks and geese, but they always fly away.

  4. Nice job, Freighter! We’re so impressed at your focus!

  5. Barley would lose her mind over those geese. She is not a dog that likes to fetch for long, so she gets distracted by anything–other dogs, squirrels, leaves–but Canada Geese are one of her absolute favorite things to chase because her grandpa used to let her help chase them out of his yard before he moved south.

  6. Great job, Freighter! Cricket would ignore anything when going after her ball. I’m not so sure about Sheba and Luke though….they don’t focus quite like Cricket does.

  7. All of my girls are easily distracted by anything that moves – squirrels, cats, other dogs, birds – even leaves, in Ducky’s case.

  8. HA! How cool, I love his focused look while he’s headed to the pond and the fact that he didn’t harm the geese! I’m pretty sure that Buzz wouldn’t go after live birds either if I threw his beloved chuck-it ball into a pond. He is that focused on it.

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