Freighter has been training in line doubles.  This is a more advanced concept and one that he has been having a difficult time learning.  However, we have been seeing in line marks more frequently at tests so it is something he must master.

In Line Doubles

So what are in line doubles?  In line doubles are just as they sound.  The bumpers or birds are thrown on the same line with one another.

In Line Doubles
In Line Doubles

In my example, the farther bumper is thrown first and then the closer bumper, but they can also be thrown in reverse order.  Often these may be thrown in combination with another bumper thrown off to the side.

Hunt Test Set Up With In Line Marks
Hunt Test Set Up With In Line Marks

This was the third series of Freighter’s last Master test.  The marks off to the left were in line with one another and as you can see there was also a mark to the right and two blinds.

Freighter did fine on everything but the in line marks.  He had to be handled to the farther mark.  Testing is a great way to discover what things you need to work on and so the very next week after the test we were out working on in lines.

While we were at the test, we asked one of the pros how she would train this.  There is a lot of down time at tests while you are waiting for other dogs to run and if you time it right, you can pick a pro’s brain for ideas of how to train something.  We have found that most are more than willing to discuss training methods while you are waiting around.

Training In Line Doubles

To begin working on this concept with Freighter, we set up an in line double just as you see in the first diagram.  The pro suggested teaching this concept by running the marks as back to back singles, then progress to running it as a double and do this in several different places.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Headed Off For A Retrieve

Freighter watched one bumper fall and retrieved it.  Then the second and retrieved it.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Coming Back With A Mark (In This Case We Used A Dead Bird Rather Than A Bumper)

He did excellent on these as singles.  He had no trouble running over the area where he had already picked up a bird.  This can sometimes cause young dogs problems because they get caught in the closer area and do not push to the farther bird.  They think they already picked up everything in the area because it kind of wipes out their memory.  But this did not happen to Freighter and he got both birds with no hunting.

Next we threw them as a double-meaning we threw one bird and then the other and then Freighter was sent to retrieve.  Unlike the first time there were now two birds in the field.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Getting Ready To Retrieve

Freighter had no trouble retrieving the closer bird, and he got out to the farther bird, but he just could not come up with it even after a big hunt.  He kind of missed the line and that had him too far over and past the bird.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Heading Out To Retrieve The Far Bird

Back To The Drawing Board

Phooey.  I would say Freighter is about 2/3rds of the way to getting this concept.  What we should have done was to have someone out at the far mark to throw a second bumper or bird to get Freighter on it.  Sometimes that is all you need to make the dog understand the entire concept.

So that was a training fail on his part and our part.  It was a very warm day so we kind of put this concept to the side and went to work in the pond so Freighter could cool off.  But never fear, we will be training this concept again.  You never know, with time to think about it, Freighter may do better on it the next time.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Finally Found The Duck

8 thoughts on “Training: In Line Doubles

  1. I cross my paws that efurrything will work like expected and I’m sure Freighter will be great at the next test. In case of really hot/coldTstormy weather at a hunting test, will they pull the test through or is it common to stop it if really bad weather happens? In case of a stop what happens with the dogs who passed or to those who failed ?

  2. That does sound like a difficult concept to master! It sounds like you’ve got a good game plan to keep working at it, though, so I’m sure he’ll catch on soon 🙂

  3. I imagine it can be slightly confusing at first, but he seems to be making such great progress in other areas, I’m sure with practice he’ll get this too!

  4. The way you tried to do it sounded like a good plan to me! Often it’s after the fact that you realize a better way to do it. With Luke’s trick training sometimes just taking a break does it too….just when I’m about to give up, next time he gets it!

  5. Hi Y’all!

    Hey, Freighter, you knew there was a second bird out there, you just lost the line…next time’s the charm.

    Y’all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

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