Freighter was entered in a hunt test last weekend.  We knew going in that it was going to be hot with temperatures in the 90’s.  In addition to the drinking water, fans and easy-up for shade that I always pack, I also added a recycled milk jug which I filled with water and froze to help keep our dog cool.

This quick and easy tip only takes a bit of planning.

I saved an empty milk jug, washed it out well, filled it with water and stuck it in the freezer until test day.  I did not fill the water to the top so that there was room for the water to expand when it froze.

Recycled Milk Jug To Keep A Dog Cool
Only Fill The Jug Part Way To Leave Room For Expansion

Once we got to the test, we put the jug in Freighter’s crate to help keep him and the crate cool.  It was so warm that the ice melted fairly quickly, but the water stayed cold.  Freighter could lean up against it when laying in his crate which kept him comfortable.

Another way to use the frozen jug is to couple it with a fan.  Presto!  You have a home made air conditioner.  Once the ice melts, you have some nice cold drinking water or cold water to wet down hot paws.  So many uses for one frozen recycled milk jug.

Recycled Milk Jug
This Recycled Milk Jug Is My New Best Friend

How would you use a recycled milk jug to help keep your dog cool?

15 thoughts on “Quick Tip: A Recycled Milk Jug Keeps A Dog Cool

  1. Excellent idea! We use recycled milk jugs during hurricane season to help keep the freezer cold after we lose power. It works for a bit but never thought of it as a dog-cooler-offer!

  2. Those are great ideas for the milk jug. I never thought to freeze it and use in that fashion.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hopefully where you live you won’t need them too often. 🙂

  3. What a great idea! We used to keep jugs in our chest freezer to take up space and then they could be thawed during a power outage too. That way you’d always have some on hand as well.

    1. Thank you. I bet you need them on the Bayou. 🙂

  4. Terrific! Will try this out for sure! The Senior girl really minds the heat, a fan is her new best friend. Merci. Stay cool.

  5. Very smart! The milk we buy comes in those waxy-coated-cardboard quarts those… But most of the time she’s home with me, and with the breeze blowing through the house it stays an okay temperature.

    One thing I’ve started doing on hot walks though is putting a bunch of ice in her water bottle. (We always carry a sports water bottle for her to drink out of on walks.) It gives her cool water to drink, and it’s nice and cold in my hand so helps me keep cool. Sometimes I press it on my forehead – heaven!

    1. That is an excellent idea and I think I am going to start adding a few cubes when we go out grouse hunting. It is usually pretty warm then. I don’t see why the cartons would not work except they might be harder to wash out thoroughly.

  6. That is a great idea! I always get panicky when we drive home from Alabama in the summer and I have to run in to a rest stop, so a milk jug will be our travel companion next summer!

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