The brown dawgs are not hunting or training right now due to hubby recovering from surgery, but they still need exercise.  No problem, the brown dawgs love to exercise in the park.

Last weekend we headed to a local park for some fun.

chesapeake bay retriever
Ready Freighter?
chesapeake bay retriever
Go Freighter!
chesapeake bay retriever
Good Boy

Freighter was the only dog who managed to get into the pond.  I threw one bumper so the direct line was through some thick shrubs on the edge of the pond.  Oops.  Happens.  He had a choice to go around on land, or take the water.  He chose the water which is why he is dripping in the above picture.

Next up was Storm.  She was so happy to get out to run after not doing much the preceding two weeks.  Hubby was in the hospital for 12 days and between spending time at the hospital, working, and doing house stuff, there was just no time or energy left to get the dogs out for exercise.

Storm made up for lost time.

chesapeake bay retriver
Storm Is Happy To Be Out Retrieving
chesapeake bay retriever
Happy Storm Bouncing Back With Her Bumper

Last up was Thunder.  He has really slowed down when retrieving these past few months.  I think his age is catching up with him, (he is 10½ now).  If you think he would rather sit out than retrieve, think again!

chesapeake bay retriever
Thunder Heading Out To Retrieve A Bumper
chesapeake bay retriever
Thunder Got His Bumper And Always A Look To The Camera

It wasn’t a marsh or a field, but the brown dawgs had fun!

Do your dogs have any favorite places to exercise?

11 thoughts on “Brown Dawgs Love To Exercise In The Park

  1. Looks like a lot of fun! Even as we age, we still enjoy getting out and getting wild, we are just not as wild as we used to be, and the endurance isn’t quite the same.

  2. A dozen days of confinement, hard on both dogs and humans! Free at last! and good for Freighter that he took the water route! Most direct or his whim? Good to wee photos again. Everyone take care! Especially the caretaker!

  3. Love love love watching your dogs. I’m afraid that my dogs are a hot mess when compared to your pack, but your posts have encouraged me to work with them. Rodrigo and Scout love playing fetch and we do this daily with the ChuckIt. Scout loves his new pond and if I don’t throw at least one ball in the pond, he’ll run to it and toss it in himself, then fetch it.

    Rodrigo isn’t so keen on the pond.

    The girls are a little harder to inspire. Zoey likes to jump so I’ve been doing something with her. Sydney just likes to walk so she and I will walk around our property (and the neighbors) together.

    I love this blog.

    1. Thanks so much and hooray you got a comment through! I disabled the plug-in causing the issue. Hopefully this takes care of it.

  4. They all look like they had a blast! It’s good to see the older dogs wanting to go out and run, even if they can’t run as fast as they used to.

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    1. It is called a training bumper. We use them whenever we train our dogs.

  6. I’m sorry to hear about Hubby, it looks like he is feeling better. I’m glad he was able to get out and exercise the dogs and it looks like they are pretty glad too!

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