Last weekend Thunder got out to do some grouse hunting. The best area for grouse is way back in the forest and normally by this time of year there is too much snow to get back in there easily. Not so this year.

Thunder did some great work and flushed a nice fat grouse.

It was perfect…flushing left to right. First shot…miss. Second shot…miss. Third shot…miss. No retrieve for Thunder. No picture of Thunder with his bird. No grouse dinner!

That was it for the day. The boys had a nice time and Thunder slept well that night, but I am sure he is wondering what happened to his bird. 🙂

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- Grouse Hunting (
- A Weekend Of Grouse (
Love the photos – beautiful country with a beautiful dog. I’m glad Thunder had his day out and did his job so well, even though you didn’t have the dinner you’d hoped for! LOL 😉
Thunder is thinking “All that and no prize!” I love his bright collar. Is that so you can see him in the bush? He’s really a great looking dog.
Your pictures are so beautiful! I love, love, love the area and if you didn’t have 11 months of winter up there, I just might consider moving. 😉
So in this instance, the hunter was the reason for no grouse dinner. 🙂
great pics – a perfect day to be out in the woods 🙂
What a great place to go hunting. Sorry no dinner for you – but lucky for the grouse!
Thunder MOM had a wonderful hunting dog named Pete, as she said “He was the BEST”. But there came a time in my MOM’s life where she just could not shoot the birds anymore. They would go out, he would work the feild and flush up a pheasant and she would just watch the beauty of her beloved Pete do his thing. Pete would then look back her and say, “hey, ya goin’ shoot or what”. Even though she did not shoot any more she still took him out and he got use to not retrieving the birds.
Great photos and the ones of Thunder are awesome – he is such a handsome boy!
Love the photos, next time you will get your bird Thunder!
Gorgeous shots. Better luck next time Thunder!
Thunder I hope you get one next time so I can see a picture of you with a bird in your mouth.