18 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday–Discoveries

  1. Ah, the kitty cat situation.

    Every cat Elka sees, she wants to be Disney friends with. The cats have not yet agreed.

  2. That picture speaks volumes! My advise to you little Freighter is find and make peace with the kitty. Don’t be like me and want to chase and I’m ashamed to say, kill cats. Life is much easier and more pleasant if you have kitty friends. Good luck little buddy.

  3. Hi Y’all!

    Hmmmm…ah, Freighter, are you going to be nice to Nestle? Has she taught you any lessons in proper etiquette yet?

    Y’all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  4. I tried to look at your post earlier today on my phone but I couldn’t make it out now I see it wasn’t the phone it was Freighter discovering how quick kitty’s are 😉

  5. Oh my goodness! Such infectious, adorableness!!!!! He’s gotten sooooo big & grown-up while I’ve been away! Thanks for popping by earlier. Most of the pain’s gone now, as long as I don’t over do it. Luckily may family’s been wonderful & vigilant that I don’t run that risk. Though I did pull something on my right side the other night when I didn’t realize that I was getting out of the truck right into a big pile of old tires that were camo’d since it was pitch black out. THAT was no fun, but I lived. Actually have been cooking dinner this whole week, which is huge since I’ve not done much of that in the 5+ weeks prior. So progress is happening, slow but sure. You’re the sweetest for thinking of me. Thank you! Hope things continue to just keep rocking along with you and your four-legged bebes. ::hugs::

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