Today we are joining Jodi Stone at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-up Friday and to answer some questions left in comments.
But first–I suspect that some of the comments that I am leaving on other WordPress blogs are going into spam, (Murphydogs several that I left you went poof). Also, I have found quite a few comments left here went into spam. Anybody else seeing this? I am trying to remember to check each day so be patient if your comment vanishes.
Back to the Follow-up…
Jodi wanted to know when we will know if Storm is expecting.
No sign yet. She looks as slim as ever. I guess in about a month or so she should be looking less so if she is pregnant. 🙂

Jen at My Brown Newfies asked whether Freighter will compete in conformation.
We think so. Right now he is way too squirmy to put in a show ring and forget about him holding still to show the judge his bite.

Jen also wanted to know when we are working a test if it makes a difference if the dogs sense we are there.
Yes it can. One time when Thunder was a young dog running a JH test, both my husband and I had been working in the field. My husband left his gun case in the field and Thunder first followed his nose to where the case was left and then to where I had been. He never got the bird.

In the last Master test Storm was being run by the pro. My husband was throwing marks and she spied him. She went to check him out before she picked up the bird. Just a run by. We try not to be in the field when they are running although sometimes you cannot avoid it.
bumpyroadtobubba wanted to know whether I have had any new visitors to my blog as a result of my shameless blog promotion bumper sticker, (my words not hers :)).
The trailer has been in the garage all week so no new readers yet. 🙂

Murphydogs wanted to know whether the trailer is heated/air-conditioned.
No heat or air conditioning but it does have a fantastic fan. The fan is great because we turn it on when we have the breezeways closed while driving down the road and it helps keep the crates cool. If we can’t find shade at tests, we still put a pop-up tent over to keep the sun off it.

Freighter will be making his hunt test debut this weekend. It will be a bit hectic since we are working, but it is time for him to start getting some experience. I’ll let you know how he does.
Have a nice weekend!
Oooh Freight and hunt test. A combination I didn’t think I’d hear this soon. 🙂
Thanks for participating in Follow-up Friday and for the shoutout. There have been quite a few blogs where my comments have gone into spam and I’ve had to contact the blog owner and ask them to check. (If I get no results in this fashion, I just stop commenting. :-()
This kind of confuses me because when I sign into the dashboard to write a post I see the spam folder. If there is something in it, I check and either delete or approve. I’ve found a number of my readers went into spam when I moved the blog.
The other issue I’m having is not having my name/website recognized by the blog. It can be frustrating trying to comment when you keep getting an unrecognized notice. :=(
Have a great weekend and good luck with Freighter!
Oooh Freight and hunt test. A combination I didn’t think I’d hear this soon. 🙂
Thanks for participating in Follow-up Friday and for the shoutout. There have been quite a few blogs where my comments have gone into spam and I’ve had to contact the blog owner and ask them to check. (If I get no results in this fashion, I just stop commenting. :-()
This kind of confuses me because when I sign into the dashboard to write a post I see the spam folder. If there is something in it, I check and either delete or approve. I’ve found a number of my readers went into spam when I moved the blog.
The other issue I’m having is not having my name/website recognized by the blog. It can be frustrating trying to comment when you keep getting an unrecognized notice. :=(
Have a great weekend and good luck with Freighter! I hope you have great weather!
Jodi I had to fish your comment on yesterday’s post out of spam. Why, I don’t know seeing that I just approved a comment from your new URL on Monday!
Freighter boy is growing up!
Good luck Freighter! Yes, a LOT of people are saying that their comments are going into spam, even after being regular blog followers for years. I check Spam every day, so I always find the comments those WP gremlins try to eliminate! 🙂
I try to remember to check, but when I get really busy sometimes I am a few days behind. I think maybe what happens is when I comment several times in a row on any blog because I am catching up, the spam filter thinks I am spamming. 🙂
I love that you are answering questions! Good luck this weekend!!
Thanks Finn!
I can understand why someone on the highway thought you were campers. You really do look like it. Looks like you’re going to go travel through Africa. Pop by and say “hi” if you do 🙂
Freighter’s first hunt test! WOO! He’ll do great, I’m sure.
Good luck this weekend with Freighter!
I haven’t had many issues with comments going into spam lately, for me it seems like that goes in spurts.
Thanks for answering my questions!
Hi Guys,
Great updates – I also have some issues with spam sometimes – I use Akismet on my blog and it’s great, but every now and then someone who shouldn’t ends up in there and sometimes I end up going into other people’s spam – when it happens a lot I contact Akismet and they are usually able to sort it out for me – hope that helps 🙂
Hope you’re having a fun day 🙂
Your pal Snoopy 🙂
Wonderful pictures!!! Good luck this weekend sweet Freighter. Hugs and nose kisses
paws crossed for storm to be pregnant. good luck to freightor!
The spam thing seems to be happening pretty frequently on wordpress.
I found quite a few comments in spam, I check it all the time but this is the first time in months that there were any there. And since I’m late on Freighter I hope he did a great job:)
Hi Y’all,
Reading backwards has its advantage! We know how Freighters runs turned out!
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
I’m reading backwards in my catch up too so I know how Freighter did! WordPress is doing some strange things recently – I’m finding it quite slow and sometimes my comments don’t show on the page after I’ve clicked Post Comment. Wonderful photos!