Once again we are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-up Friday.
Jodi’s explanation: For those new to the blog, my Follow-up Friday provides me with an opportunity to update or revise a post from the previous week.
You know sometimes you post about something and you need an update but it doesn’t warrant a whole blog. Or sometimes someone made a comment that really resonated with you. Yup, Follow-Up Friday baby!

Yesterday I wrote about the pet friendly hotel we stayed in last weekend. Jodi mentioned that she had stayed at a hotel and they put her on the 5th floor that was being remodeled so that it was a pain to take her dog Sampson outside. I don’t want to mislead anyone. We had a similar issue. It was a long way for us to take the dogs out to air them. We were on the second floor, but the hotel was full of dogs so I can’t really fault the hotel. 🙂 The grassy area was a long walk for a puppy. He was a good boy and made it outside each time, but not always to the grass. 😆
There was one perk to the long walk, especially for Storm. One route outside was through the lobby. The hotel had no issue with us taking the dogs through the lobby. In the lobby area they had a popcorn maker that seemed to be popping popcorn every time Storm and I walked through. The smell was making us dream of popcorn. Storm made quite a game of finding and grabbing any little piece of popcorn that anyone had dropped on the floor. I swear she has the vision of eagles when it comes to spotting popcorn specks. 🙂
Now to Thunder’s Master test. There isn’t much to tell. He ran a nice clean land triple and then absolutely refused to give up the third bird. Nope. No-way. That is two tests in a row that he would not give up birds and was bounced because of it. We will work with him on this, but obviously if he is not going to give up the birds, he can’t run tests. He does not do it in training so it is a tough thing to correct. Dunce cap for Thunder.
I did get a couple of nice pictures of him.

Hunt test season is over for us, but hunting season will start soon. We’ll see how Thunder does with those birds.
Have a nice weekend!
Great pics! Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks Gloria. Same to you!
Interesting. I wonder why he won’t give the birds up during a test but will in training.
Great pics!
That would be because in training you can “make” him give up the birds and at a test you can’t. He has run a lot of tests and seems to know which bird is the last bird. Funny thing, he used to have an issue dropping the birds…lol. We probably should have been more firm with him all along whenever he was sticky, but it hasn’t been that big an issue until Masters where there are a lot of birds. That is why we are holding Freighter out until we are sure he understands giving up the birds before he proceeds.
I’m as confused about that as MyBrownNewfies. There must be something different about the test that has Thunder wanting to hold on to those birds. In any case, he sure looks like a champion!
At a test he knows that you can’t “make” him give up the bird. Plus they are nice fresh birds and in training we use older birds so that may be part of it.
Can’t imagine Litchi, the carnivore of note, ever eating popcorn but I think my tabby cat would be right there joining storm.
My peoples took Leah and Meadow to a dog friendly hotel once, but they left me at home. Or actually, at a friends house. Can you imagine? And now I’m wondering if I missed out on popcorn…
Thanks for the follow!! I don’t know how many dogs were at the hotel we stayed at so I can’t say that was a reason. The first trip out Sampson peed right in the parking lot. Hubby and I were discussing something and apparently Sampson couldn’t wait. 🙂
I’m sure your trainer has some thoughts about helping Freighter understand the concept of drop the bird. 🙂 Keep us posted and have a great weekend!!
BTW, Delilah would have been all over that popcorn machine.
I LOVE popcorn!!! MOM sometimes play fast catch with me. That’s where she throws them at me one at a time as fast as she can and I catch them. Only sad part is there is no butter or salt. What’s up with that? I loved the photos!
Storm sounds like Freddie with the popcorn. I can almost see her zeroing in on all the dropped pieces. lol I wonder why Thunder won’t give up the bird in a test. Sounds like it’s just his little quirk. Have a terrific weekend! 🙂
We love popcorn too! Every time mom pops popcorn we sit and look at her with those great big eyes that say…give us some!
LOL love the Storm vs popcorn story!
I wonder why he is doing that at tests, wonder if you try fresher birds for training (I know that can be a tough one) but with hunting season coming up maybe he will do it and then you can get a correction. Hope you can get him straightened out with the bird.
Great photos!!
Great photos indeed!
Does Thunder and Storm train with other dogs, or do they train alone? I wonder if simulating a hunt test with his training would help.