This ‘N That Thursday is for those times when you want to post about unrelated topics or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post.  It can be anything you want, so feel free to grab the button and join us!

Storm and Thunder may be sidelined for training, but Freighter’s training continues.  We have been running him on long singles.  We are trying for 150 yards, but space can be an issue so usually they are more like 120 or 140 yards.  He is a good marker.  We are also throwing him doubles and he ran his first triple last week.  His doubles are decent, but if you throw a double and then reverse it, (meaning reverse the order they are thrown), he has trouble.  He just needs more experience with different kinds of doubles.  We are still working on cut grass in mostly flat fields.  We are also getting some water work in before it is too cold.  He sure likes his water and is a fast swimmer.

Unfortunately, as the days get shorter, it will be more difficult to train marks after work, but Freighter is also learning handling.  That is coming along nicely.  He is pretty solid on his “backs” and is getting there on his left and right “overs”.  Teaching handling takes some time and a lot of patience.  We plan to continue working on that along with working on his obedience over the winter.


One reason I like the new mosaic gallery setting is that it saves me a lot of time.  I post a lot of pictures and I don’t have to place each picture separately with the new setting.  Big time saver that looks nice.

Speaking of pictures, last year I made a picture calendar of the dogs.  I know most people make one of their kids or grand-kids, but we have dogs, so dogs it is.  I even include Nestle, but I don’t have as many pictures of her.  After spending hours pouring through pictures last year, I vowed to put aside pictures appropriate for the calendar throughout the year.  Did I do that?  No, of course not.  Once again I am pouring through all the year’s pictures at once.  Maybe next year.


16 thoughts on “This ‘N That Thursday

  1. Love your fall background. Is that Mosaic setting on your camera or is some software. Great way to see the dogs over time or in action. I am in awe of your training efforts. The brown dawgs are such beauties. – DogDaz

  2. Sounds like Freighter is coming along really well. You were going to see if Storms neoprene best fit Freighter for the really cold water? John always tells me we should make our own calendar of the girls, but I never put aside pictures either 🙁

  3. I love the gallery of pics! And I hadn’t thought of making a calendar of Finn, but now that I know others are, maybe we will in the future 🙂

  4. The gallery pics are great. And that Freighter is not only handsome but very smart.

  5. Your Freighter is going to be top notch once he’s trained, it’s just a feeling I have.

    I also love the gallery you have in this post, I’m pretty bad at taking pictures myself. 🙁

    The calendar sounds like a nice idea, I should do one of my dogs too. Now I need 1) a computer and 2) time. 🙂

    How is Storm? She should be showing by now, no?

  6. I say the same thing every year regarding photos – never happens here either. I’m great at making plans like that, but I fall short on implementation! 😉

  7. Hi Y’all,

    Guess just goes to show you really NEEDED 3 dogs! BOL!

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka Brown Dog

  8. It’s a good idea for peoples to use us dogs as stars in their calendars – too bad you didn’t get around to it this year. My peoples always say they are going to do things, and never do them. Like The One Called Donna – she keeps saying she will put us dogs on her Chritmas cards (they don’t have mini-peoples either) but every year she waits till last minute and ends up buying boxed cars – usually with dogs on them that are no way nears as cute as I am.

  9. I find myself making picture books of the dogs over the kids all the the time, it’s easier because I have a lot more pics of dogs than kids:(((!!!

  10. Freighter is really coming into his own. He is going to be one super hunting dog! I love the way you do your mosaic pictures and it must be such a time saver for sure. I think a dog calendar is great, like you it’s always seems like a great idea at the time to set pics aside, but I never get around to it either. lol

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