Freighter had a great afternoon last Friday hunting at Fish Point. He waited on his dog stand for the birds.

He had one nice retrieve. Unfortunately he and Sunny hunted and hunted for a couple of cripples and just could not come up with them. The experience they get this season should help them out for next season.
The weather was good for hunting.

Saturday was the annual MICBRC Duck Hunting Tournament. Freighter’s Mom Smokey was tapped for the hunt. She did a great job. The hunter’s had six birds, but it wasn’t enough to win. The trophy remained with John who was also last year’s winner. Congrats to him!
Sunday was windy and cold. It would have been a long swim for the dogs to the hunting area. It seems the DNR has been busily pumping water into the hunting areas, so the areas that had been dry are now quite deep with water. Both Freighter and Sunny don’t have much coat yet so they got to stay home and snooze. Hopefully they will get out to hunt again before the season is over.

To all of those in the path of Sandy…be safe.
Sure love the pics!
Thanks Gloria.
The pictures are awesome. I have a Chessie, Boh. I got him as a young pup during last years duck season, so this year is his first season old enough to retrieve for me. I’m excited to get him out there. November 17 opens up the season here in MD. Check out my blog, I have a few pictures posted of the young pup. Best of luck this season!
Thanks for subscribing. I am anxious to hear about the first season with your young Chessie. Hope it is a great one.
Is that a special vest? Beautiful pics!
Yes, it is neoprene. The idea is that it helps to keep the dog’s core body temperature warm once the dog gets wet.
Great photos! Looks nice and sunny even if it’s actually cold (we’ve been under the snow for a while now).
I saw your beautiful pictures of Alma and the snow. Looked pretty there. 🙂 We may get some rain mixed with snow from Sandy, but so far just rain. We had temps in the 80’s F last week. I was complaining. haha
Your pictures are so great. Love the dogs and well done to them. Here’s to a fabulous next year with all they’ve learnt so far!
Thanks you. 🙂
Wonderful pictures. I am sure there will be many more days ahead for hunting.
Hope so. The waterfowl season goes through the end of November, but if we have an early freeze, the birds will leave.
What a great day for the dogs. Question, do you ever have trouble finding vests to fit the dogs? My Gracie( 60lb lab mix) has a neoprene vest,she’s so big chested that we have a tough time getting the vests to fit properly. We’ve got the largest size and the poor thing looks like she’s going to explode 🙁 The ones on your pups fit so nicely.
Thunder is 90 + pounds and very deep chested. He wears a 3XL. Storm is also deep chested and weigh’s in the high 60’s. She wears an XL. I think they both wear Avery vests. It was the only vest big enough for Thunder. He ordered online, you might want to check them out.
I like Freighter’s vest.
I’m looking into sending Doggy to training camp for hunting dogs, my in law likes to go hunting wild boars and he’s 16 yo companion died last year, Doggy has really good retrieving skills, we’ll see how he copes with it.
That would be cool. Let me know how it goes. I would be interested to hear about that kind of training.
Nice pictures. I’m glad that enjoyed themselves. There will be many more opportunities for them to hunt. 🙂
Thanks for checking in on us, we survived. Power may take a while but we can deal with that. 🙂
Hope you had minimal damage at the cabin!
Hope your power comes back soon. I think the cabin made out OK too. I did not see power outages up there, but it is still windy here.
Freighter…you are one handsome dude!
Freighter says thanks. 🙂
Wow! Six birds is fantastic! Go, Smokey! I love Freighter’s hunting jacket!
Thank you. Smokey missed hunting season last year because she was bred. Glad she got some nice retrieves this year.
Love the vest! We are in awe of the things you get up to!
Thank you. 🙂
I just love Freighter’s vest! He looks so regal sitting there waiting. I does look like it was great weather for hunting.
Great photos!! Freighter is looking so good 🙂
Freighter you look great sitting on your dog stand and great job for trying. Storm you had a great day on your test, good job. Mom great pictures:-)
Nice pictures, and what a great experience for Freighter.