This ‘N That Thursday is for those times when you want to post about unrelated topics or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post.  It can be anything you want, so feel free to grab the button and join us!

This 'N That 3

It is a new year and time to update the blog.  I have updated all of the pages, but especially Freighter’s Page.  I realized that before I updated it, on his page he was still a pup.  🙂


I also added a link to his pedigree (Freighter’s Pedigree).  Chessies are lucky because we have a very devoted enthusiast who keeps an extensive online database of pedigrees.  She includes health clearances and titles to the extent she has them.  If you click on Freighter’s pedigree you can see that he already has two health clearances: one for DM (Degenerative Myelopathy) and the other for EIC (Exercise Induced Collapse).  His parents were clear for the genes thought to cause these diseases so he is designated as “BP” or “Clear By Parentage”.  (It is a bit more complicated than that, but in short it is highly unlikely that he will ever develop these diseases or pass them on.)

He also has one other clearance that is not shown in this database.  He was tested for prcd-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy) and he is clear.  Again, it is a bit more complicated than this, but in short, it is extremely unlikely he will ever contract the disease so he can be bred to any female and there is little chance of reproducing the disease in the pups.

Eventually Freighter will have other tests, such as hip and elbow xrays, but those will wait until he is at least two years old.  A data base like this is nice tool for breeders to use when considering a breeding, (in fact the site allows you to make trial pedigrees of dogs in the database).  The other nice thing about the data base is that you can click on dogs in the pedigree and go all the way back almost to the beginning of the breed.


I also updated Hunt Test Training 2012.  I realized that I never added any pictures after March or April.  🙂

Now that I have my blog somewhat up to date, I would like to tackle my Facebook and Twitter pages.  I need to find a way to use them more.  I would also like to find a way to read my Blog Page’s Facebook News Feed on my phone.  Does any one do this and what app do you use?  I have an app I use for my Blog’s Facebook Page, but I don’t like it much and cannot access my page’s news feed.


Finally, Freighter really is the third child.  He gets privileges above and beyond.

Like this.  🙂

Couch Sleeping
Couch Sleeping


29 thoughts on “This ‘N That Thursday

  1. Well yeah but he is so appealing!!! Rudy and Rio are both allowed on the sofa and always lie cuddled up to me!!! As soon as 1 jumps down the other jumps straight into their space!!!

  2. G’morning! We’ve left a little something for you over on my blog this morning 🙂

  3. Good luck with sorting out you facebook and twitter. I don’t have time but I am sure you will have fun. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Mom says that using facebook for pages on her phone stinks. She has a windows 8 phone but it does not help using facebook pages, she always has to use her computer or ipad to be happy. If you get any great tips, let me know!

  5. Have a great new year. i just use the facebook app or if its a android phone i use friendcaster. i can take pics with my phone and when i’m in my page i can directly upload to my business page instead of it going to my personal page.

    1. Happy New Year to you. 🙂 Thanks for the info on the app. I have an iPhone. I am not sure they have that app. I will have to check. Maybe they have a similar one. The Pages app from Facebook stinks. I loose a lot of my updates.

  6. I am currently reading a book on dog conformation and it’s quite fascinating. Even has someone who thought she knew the basics I am learning so much about what all goes into showing a dog. I mention this now because one of the dogs highlighted in the book is a Chessie and every time I read about her I think of you and your lovely dogs.

    What a cool database to have of Freighter’s pedigree! Dog lovers are nothing if not thorough. 🙂

    1. That sounds like an interesting book. A lot of people do not realize that showing a dog is much more than just a beauty contest. Showing a Chessie is interesting because correct movement is given great weight. That and coat. 🙂

  7. I loved the Hunt Test training photos…It’s been a long time since I had a dog competing in hunt tests, but I still remember all the fun I had training and the pride I felt at watching my beautiful girl retrieve

  8. Have a wonderful New Year 2013! Freighter is a handsome dog.Our Shepherd loves the couch and beds too-head on the pillow-CNN ,BBC and finally Animal Planet.Dogs are just the best.Imagine how awful life would be without canines.Please help support the Grey Wolf and Frasier Island Dingoes. Woof!

  9. I love your dogs. 🙂 That database is AMAZING. Freakin’ modern technology in action! Oh, what do y’all do with your duck feathers after a hunt?

  10. And how do Thunder and Storm feel about little Freighter getting couch time? 🙂 I love it, we have a couch specifically for the dogs. At one of our Super Bowl Parties Sampson actually stared someone down who was in his spot. When we lost power for a week Delilah fought to share the couch with me. Oh how I love those dogs. 🙂

  11. There is nothing I love more than looking through pedigrees. I see some obedience titles back there…

    What an interesting blend. I wish the pedigrees came with photos of the dogs themselves. Did I mention I am a pedigree nerd?

      1. It’s incredible that even back in 1914, breeders were linebreeding on particular dogs. We always think we invented stuff.

  12. Mich gets couch sleeping too and it’s SOOOOO bad but he’s SOOOO cute when I find him curled up there.

  13. Hi Y’all!

    Thanks for stoppin’! Love the pics of Freighter! My Human missed all those early stages with me.

    Y’all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  14. Omg, I love how extensive that ‘family’ history is for freighter! Although I love family trees! I wish I could Aladdins, but that’s pretty much impossible.

    As for the pages app (also an iphone owner), there isn’t much out there besides that. You could always work it from your facebook app, which I do sometimes. And then you should be able to sync up your twitter to your pages facebook account. It’s been a while since I’ve worked at twitter, so they might have changed this. I’ve never had the problem with losing my status though. Mine is pushing the post button… my finger don’t generate enough heat, I guess, to activate the button. I would just make sure you are completely up to date on your app. They update that one, a lot.

    And Happy New Year! I saw I needed to update some things on my pages as well. Time get by me so fast sometimes. ^_^ Love the new pictures! Looking forward to a fantastic new year adventures!

  15. Wow, Freighter must be very important to pass all those special tests! The only tests I have passed are for Parvo and worms in my heart and poop =P Oh, and the CGC test– that was a good one 🙂

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