Despite the snow and the cold temperatures, we got a bit of training in on Saturday.  We ran a few marks and Freighter also worked on honoring the work of another dog.  This means that Freighter has to sit quietly at heel while another dog is retrieving.  It can be a difficult thing for a young dog to master.

Both Freighter and the trainer’s dog Fury, were practicing this.

Hmm What Is That Dog Doing?
I Hope That Dog Doesn’t Think He Will Be Fetching My Bumpers
The Man Told Me To "Sit"!
The Man Told Me To “Sit”!
Why Do I Have To Sit Here?
Why Do I Have To Sit Here?
Why Can't I Get That Bumper?
Why Can’t I Get That Bumper?
Oh This Is Hard!
Oh This Is Hard!
Really Hard!
Really Hard!
Oops Busted!
Oops Busted!
OK I'll Move Back...
OK I’ll Sit
Back At Heel

This is a Blog Hop.  Thanks to  Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop.  Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

Monday Mischief
Monday Mischief

25 thoughts on “Monday Mischief–Fanny To The Ground

  1. Ohhhhhhh, that looks hard! I think you did a great job, but that’s from someone whose dog, when told to ‘sit’, turns a few circles, walks off a bit and then sits facing the opposite direction. Perhaps I shouldn’t laugh about it. 😀

  2. That’s SUPER hard! You did a good job Freighter, I’d have been off like a shot no matter what commands I heard!

    My mom says to tell you that we suddenly stopped getting notifications of your blog updates, and it’s showing us as not being subscribed anymore! We’re going to click Follow again and hope that doesn’t happen again. WP can be so moody sometimes.

  3. Oh Freighter!! I think he did great for a pup so young. I know older dogs (much older than him) that would not have been able to sit for that. 🙂

  4. Oh man, I can imagine it would be like me sitting when a wabbit runs by…very hard but for me most likely impossible!

  5. Freighter! You did great, buddy! We loved the shot of your hiney just a little off the ground!!

    -Bart, Ruby and Otto

  6. Good job freighter. I know it can be really confusing when sometimes you are allowed to chase the bumper but sometimes you are not. I know you want them all! 🙂

  7. I always love watching your pups at work! Is it just me, or did freighter get darker? Maybe it’s just the cloudy snowy skies. Nothing but rain on the other side of the lake!

    1. I had to use my old camera because it was snowing so hard. It tends to darken colors when it is overcast. But Freighter is a darker brown. 🙂

  8. Haha Freighter, love the pretend sit where you’re butt doesn’t actually touch the floor, I try that sometimes and occasionally even get away with it!!

    Have fun,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  9. Steadiness is really tough – you want your dog fired up to get the bird, but then on the other hand, you want them the sit back and wait.

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