This is from a training day back in March. We were working on breaking birds. A breaking bird is a mark that is thrown very close to the dog and often can come from an unexpected direction, like from behind the dog for example. Breaking birds will test a dog’s steadiness.
Freighter has not had a lot of experience training breaking birds. At first he was a bit confused by the bumpers coming from behind him and landing so close. We ran back to back singles and by the second one, he seemed to understand the drill and he was steady for both. Good boy!

Tomorrow…more puppy pictures. 🙂
Just curious as to why the breaker bird still, can you sorta give me a real life scenario where this would be used? Also what do you typically hunt and do with them?
He caught on real fast. But I’m not surprised he is one smart pup.
Good boy Freighter. We had to do a live flyer breaking bird last week to get ready for the hunt test as Gambler decided he needed to leave early for the flyer in training. No sir you sit til your told to go!
OMG I love the photo with his little front paws pulled up as he’s ready to spring! So cute. I have a feeling this dog is going to win mad ribbons. 😉
Aw, of course he caught on! How many times do you tend to do the same thing in practice like this?
Wow that was a quick learning curve. Clever pup. Look like you weather is improving. Must be a bonus not having to stay out in the cold. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly
So focused!
Wow! Smart dog! Just don’t chase turtle, okay 😉
I love seeing your dogs work – you know I do – but I can’t WAIT to see more puppy photos!
Freighter caught on to that pretty quickly…New angles and distances are confusing but he’s working hard at it
Good job for picking up on the game so fast Freighter. 🙂
Nice work big boy! I love the photo with his front feet up 🙂
Smart pup that Freighter is. Can’t wait to see some puppy pictures!