Yeah right. We had rain part of the day yesterday which melted a lot of snow, but our temperatures are going to dip back down again next week. At least the days will be longer than the nights now.
Conformation Class
Monday’s Conformation class was great. No helpful photography tips and no lunging dogs. The class was crowded. There is a show coming up the beginning of April so I guess people are getting out for some practice.
Even Freighter’s sister Sunny showed up.

Freighter’s show manners are coming along.
He is not grabbing for the bait as much.

He is standing still to have his bite checked.

He is moving nicely for hubby.

And he is having a good time.

Now we get to stress about whether he will hold his coat for the show. At least there is one benefit to the colder weather.
Dogs Of Different Colors
A couple of readers left comments on yesterday’s post that they thought they were reading the wrong blog because I posted pictures of dogs that weren’t brown. I wasn’t trying to fool you. The light was good last Saturday and I was in a good spot to take pictures, so I took more than I normally would.
There just happened to be a lot of Golden Retrievers in Saturday’s group so I got a lot of pictures of Goldens. I told hubby the next dog he gets should be a Golden because they are so easy to photograph. Much easier than brown or black dogs.

Tomorrow I will have the set-ups we ran and pictures of the brown dawgs.
Good News
Our Club got some great news about our testing grounds. It seems that a good part of the grounds where we train and test have already been sold to a local dairy farmer and he has agreed to allow our tests to continue on his land. We won’t be able to train there this year, but all the Clubs in Michigan that want to run tests there will be able to hold them on the property.
This is very good news because although we know we will have to travel out of state for some tests, the more local tests we can attend, the better.

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Ha! That must be how I skipped over your post in my reader – I’m not used to seeing more than one Golden!
That’s awesome that you get to keep your testing location.
And Freighter is looking pretty ‘adult’ in the conformation setting. Not sure if it’s just the lighting, but his sister looks way lighter than he does.
Freighter’s sister is lighter brown in color, but she also has some dark brown mixed in. Freighter was the only dark brown puppy in the litter. Freighter’s body looks mature, but his head is still young looking to me.
Congratulations to Freighter and your husband on his ring improvement. He looks like a champion! I’m glad the landowner will allow the use of his land. That’s really nice.
So glad you’ll be able to continue to use that land for local tests! Looks like Freighter is really coming along well. Now I need to backtrack and catch up… you know I can’t resist Golden Retrievers 😉
Great news about the testing ground and you look all set for a good year ahead just need nicer weather now. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly
I feel like you guys have been under snow forever!! You probably do too. 😉
We have had snow since the end of November. Ar our cabin they are supposed to get another couple inches overnight!
On yesterdays post…it keeps your “regular” readers on their toes when you switch up dogs on us 🙂 Great that your group has a new spot. It sounds like Bailie may have to travel for tracking tests once she starts that which will mean time and money! Does Freighter recognize his sister? The last time Bailie saw two of her siblings they had no interest in each other and acted as if they had never met before. Mom was so excited for the reunion that turned out to be a total dud!
Yes Freighter recognizes his sister. He trains with her, hunts with her, and sees her often. I can’t say for sure that he knows it is a sibling, but he definitely remembers her.
Good job Freighter, looking good and ready for spring tests. Glad you’re getting to do some close to home.
Hi Y’all!
I have just one word for y’all! Chessie!
My Human has had other retriever breeds and she says the only one she would consider besides a Chessie would be a Poodle…they can be good hunters and since they no longer hunt, it doesn’t matter. I think she’s thinkin’ she wouldn’t have so much hair to chase around the house. BOL!
Get a light brown, straw or dead grass next go round!
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
I’m so happy to hear about the training ground! That is truly great news!
Yes and a big relief. Hope the tests all go well and the farmer allows us to train on his property next year.
He looks great! Crossing my fingers he doesn’t blow his coat. Bauer is starting his coat blow, but Jeni is on a weirdo opposite schedule – too bad she’s not a show dog because she always keeps her coat through the summer and blows it in the winter. He looks great in conformation class… hope to see you there in a couple of weeks 🙂
We have been trying to put him outside for periods of time to try to keep his coat. He still doesn’t have a full adult coat yet. Next year he should have that.
I am so glad you are doing good in your classes! love your photos as well!
happy Thursday to you!.
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Oh crap! Holding the coat! I have pelts on the back porch that I need to pickle before the fur slips.
That is great news on your testing grounds, and great news that Freighter is coming along well. If this weather continues as it has been, I don’t think his coat will be going anywhere! We got 10 inches of snow overnight, and even though it’s a bit warmer today, yes, they are saying the arctic temps will be back soon. Ugh….
10 inches! Oh my!
I am so glad the club gets to continue tests at the grounds they are used to. The show photos are looking good. Glory is bald right now. Have a great first day of spring. There is a award waiting for you on my blog today. Sharing a little sunshine.
Thanks for the great award! All three of mine still have coat, but like Glory I worry Freighter will blow his. I think next year he should have his adult coat which should hold better. Thunder was three before he got a coat that held all winter. Before that he would be bald for Spring shows.
We certainly are ready for some spring temps now that spring is officially here! Looks like Freighter is doing really well with the Conformation Class.
I’m sure being able to keep your testing grounds is a great relief. While traveling is cool it also gets to be very expensive, especially when you have to pay for entry fees and travel costs.
Freighter is looking amazing as always, he’s such a good boy. Fingers crossed his coat holds. Would they hold that against him in a show?
Exactly, traveling gets very expensive and difficult with three dogs. It isn’t that they would mark Freighter down for no coat, just that they might pass him up. Correct coat is very important to our breed. I think next year he will have his adult coat and it should hold better through Spring. It looks good right now, but the show is not until the first weekend in April. Plus he is an inside dog, so he starts at a disadvantage from dogs who have spent a lot of time outside.
Happy for you that the Conformation class was great this time. What fun for you all to get to see Sunny and Freighter getting to enjoy some time with her. Good job handsome Freighter you are doing a good job with your training. That really is good news for you all that the dairy farmer is going to let you continue to train and test on the land. You all have a really nice week and hope you see some nice weather. Hugs and nose kisses
It sounds like Freighter is really enjoying the show ring. Glad to hear that your training and testing grounds are still going to be available.