Freighter had quite the weekend.
First thing Saturday morning he was in a dog show.

He took Reserve Winners Dog to a 4 point major.
We left the show and went off to training.

Then Sunday it was back to the show where he took Winners Dog for a 4 point major!

By the end of Sunday Freighter was done with dog shows and pictures. We were all pretty tired so I am keeping this post short and will have more on the shows and training later this week. Congrats to all the winners this weekend. There were some very nice dogs entered.
I also wanted to say “thank you” to Molly The Wally for featuring us on Share It Sunday and also to Hawk for nominating us. If you haven’t met these two bloggers, stop over and check them out! Molly shares humorous observations as only a British pup can and Hawk is another brown dawg living a grand life in the mountains and at the shore.
Nicely done Freighter and family!
Our person says she LOVES to see dogs like Freighter; looking good and working – great example of what the brown dogs are meant to be 🙂
Wow that was a busy weekend and we hope you are taking it easy today. Our pleasure to have you as a guest. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly
Congratulations Freighter, it’s a pleasure to see the photo of you in the ring
Thanks and thanks for the follow. I follow all blogs that I read on blog lovin, and will reciprocate. 🙂
Congratulations Freighter – well done in the ring and in the field…get some rest!
Four point major?!! Woo-hoo! That is fantastic! Way to go, Freighter! How many points does he have now? Is it 6?
He has the four point major and that point he got back when he was a puppy. He has several (four I think) Reserves. It was great that he finally got the points. 🙂
Congratulations! That is huge and a 4 point is so much better than a 3 point when you are getting close to the end!! Yay! I’m so excited for you! When we would get a major on one of the boys it was always a huge weight lifted off my shoulders!
Exactly. Our goal for this Spring was to hopefully get some points on him and major points is a big bonus. 🙂 Not sure we will have any more majors coming up this Spring though. We put him in a couple of shows at the end of the month. He could definitely use the experience.
Congrats!!! That is very exciting 🙂 How many dogs do you have to have for a four point major?
7 dogs
Wow that’s great! We only needed six bitches for a five point major this weekend haha. The joys of a rare breed!
Actually for dogs it is 6 for 4 pts and 8 for 5 pts. Had to look it up…lol. There were 7 dogs entered both days. It was 4 points for both dogs and bitches on Sunday. (Bitches 9=4 pts and 13=5 points) There are a lot of Chessie breeders in Michigan and surrounding so it was a real nice win for Freighter. 🙂
Well done on the win and on the training!
I’m so excited for Freighter as well as for you and your husband. That was quite the weekend you had!!
I bet Freighter is sleeping pretty good today.
Passed out. 🙂
Sounds like an exhausting but great weekend! Congratulations to Freighter!
Congrats are in order! Sounds like a busy and fun weekend was had. =D
Congrats on a fabulous weekend. Way to go Freighter and Jim on a 4pt major those classes paid off. Nicely done, when you finish Freighter I will send Glory up. Great pictures.
That really was quite the weekend, and I can see you were all tired by Sunday night! It sounds like it was all worth it too though.
Congratulations to Freighter! Definitely a busy weekend for all.