This is the first in a weekly series about the brown dawgs as young pups.  All three of our dogs are great dogs, but each presented different challenges on their way to becoming great dogs.  This series will be about some of those challenges.

Thunder was our first puppy and our first Chessie.  We had a Golden Retriever before Thunder, but we got him when he was 14 months old.

Gordie Was About 10 In This Picture
Gordie Was About 10 In This Picture

Gordie was a great dog: patient, obedient, sweet.

I am not sure we were ready for puppy Thunder.

Thunder was born in the middle of March so he came home with us in the middle of May.

Thunder's First Day Home
Thunder’s First Day Home

He was so cute, until…

Let Go Of My Coat Thunder
Let Go Of My Coat Thunder

Thunder was a very mischievous puppy and did many things that used to drive us nuts.

As soon as he got tall enough, he was an avid counter surfer.  We tried many different things to keep him off the counters including banging a 2 liter pop bottle against our hands hoping the sound would startle him and underscore no paws on the counter.

He just looked at us as if to say: “I’m a Chessie.  Is that the best you got?”

Then he would continue on with his surfing.

Thunder Was Cute When He Was Asleep--He Is Not Quite 3 Months Old Here
Thunder Was Either Going 100 mph Or Fast Asleep–He Is Not Quite 3 Months Old Here

His favorite thing to do while surfing was to take the dish towel and run around with it in his mouth.  At the time we had a square coffee table and he would make sure that he was on the side that I wasn’t so that the only way to grab him was to get on the table.  Treats were meaningless to him with such fun to be had.

He also liked to chomp on things, like my arm.  He would not break the skin.  He would chomp just enough to cause a bruise and he was having a blast doing it.  I had to teach him that I was not a puppy sibling and his chomping hurt.

Thunder's First Time With A Bumper--2 Months Old
Thunder’s First Time In The Water–2 Months Old

One of his favorite annoying behaviors was to wait until I was all ready for work and then jump on me with muddy paws when we were out on the yard.  He was so quick that I could not get out of the way fast enough.  I had muddy paw prints on many an outfit that first year.

Last but not least, he was terrible on lead.  He used to somehow maneuver himself behind us during a walk and grab the back of our coats or shirts and hang there.  I cannot tell you how many tops I had with holes along the back hem.  If Thunder wasn’t biting the backs of our tops, then he was hopping up and down on the lead rather than walking.  He was such a pain to walk as a young dog.  It was not at all enjoyable.  Of course Thunder thought it was great fun.

Thunder After His Very First Test--14 Months Old
Thunder After His Very First Working Dog Test–14 Months Old

We dealt with all of this by taking Thunder to obedience class.  He attended a great puppy kindergarten and then a basic obedience class.  He also attended a personal gun dog class which had obedience in addition to the field work.  These classes were great for socialization as well as manners.

Then one day when Thunder was about 18 months old, almost to the day, the annoying behaviors just went away like someone flipped a switch.  All of them vanished, including the counter surfing.

Thunder Loved Boat Rides--Three Months Old
Thunder Loved Boat Rides–Three Months Old

I did have one last encounter with bad-on-the-leash Thunder before that behavior disappeared.

We were vacationing and hubby was off fishing and I was assigned to walk Thunder.  We were camping in a state park so we just walked around the park roads.  We got a little ways away from our camp site and Thunder started his crap fun and games.  We were too far to turn back and we could not go forward because when a larger dog isn’t walking, you aren’t either.

I decided a little talking to was in order so I pulled and tugged him off the road.  Once off the road I told him that he was not to treat me like that.  Yep I actually used those words.  I think I may even have wagged my finger in his face too.  When I was finished he looked at me and shook the way a dog shakes off water and from that moment on walked perfectly on the leash.

Thunder At 17 Months Old--He Looks Like A Brat In This Picture
Thunder At 17 Months Old On A Camping Trip.  He Is Thinking About What Trouble He Wants To Cause.

Our puppy had finally grown up!

No One Leaves To Hunt Without Him--At 19 Months Old
No One Leaves To Hunt Without Thunder–19 Months Old

I’d like to thank everyone for all the well wishes for my eye surgery last Friday.  It went well and I am on the road to recovery.  I am looking forward to some vision improvement in about 1-3 months as my eye heals. 

28 thoughts on “Young Thunder

  1. Thunder you had the cutest puppy paws ever! I remember this time as I wore the “used look” too, there was no pants without a hole… even my parents had to drive home like scaregrows with ripped clothes after we picked up Easy :o) It was great to wander back with you Thunder!

  2. Oh, puppy Thunder sounds like a handful and a half! To look at him now, with all his advanced training, you would never even guess he was such a mischief maker. He was absolutely adorable as a puppy.

  3. I’m so glad your surgery went well! Whew! Still sending out positive thoughts and Havachon hugs for your recovery. I love this flashback about young Thunder – it’s amazing how far he’s come, I’d never have guessed all that mischief was in his past! How smart he was to pick up on your meaning during his last test of you on that walk in the woods. We used to hit a pot lid with a metal spoon to stop Daisy from her super-naughty destructive behaviors, and it worked well. She hated that noise!

  4. LOL what a little mischief maker he was and counter surfing as soon as he could made us chuckle. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Mom says Katie was her first puppy and she still had her 9 yr old lab/newf mix. She had no clue how much work a puppy could be. You are lucky Thunder grew up so fast. Katie continued her nonsense until she was almost 4! I was the best behaved puppy of the three so far. Thunder sure was adorable!

  6. Hi Y’all!

    Glad the eyes stuff went well.

    At 14 months I was the oldest dog my Humans had ever gotten. There were times that my Human Papa would be annoyed at both me and my Human Mama and declare I was totally out of control!

    Y’all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. This made me laugh and hopeful we are right in the middle of puppy with our first chessie. Our last dog was a beagle so I am use to stubborn and mischievous. She is 9mo and a professional counter surfer. It was great to hear there is hope to break her of this. She is such a sweet dog but just mischievous especially since this super snowy, long winter has put a damper on her daily out door time.
    My kids love to watch your videos of the big “Ro Ro’s” Our dog’s name is Rosie. They can’t wait to take her swimming in the bay just like the dogs on the computer.

    1. I bet Rosie will have a blast swimming in the bay. Thanks so much for stopping by!

    1. He was a terrible puppy. I almost gave him back…lol.

  8. I so enjoyed reading this. Thunder was adorable as a pup and so handsome now. I couldn’t help but smile seeing his feet in the first puppy pic you posted, he for sure grew into those feet though. Gordie was very handsome too. Hugs and nose kisses

  9. I love this post! So glad that Mr. Dog Show Star wasn’t always pawfect!! Bart and Gizmo as puppies (NEVER get littermate!!) caused total mayhem. Although last week I caught 10+ year old Ruby, with arthritic hips, no hearing and a bad elbow with her paws on the counter!! I actually said GOOD GIRL!!

  10. LOL, most happily……Wouldn’t trade these dogs for any other. Hus and happy to all…..the Maumee Mud Dogs

  11. This was a awesome post! I enjoyed reading about Thunder as a pup, can’t wait to read about the others. Great pictures! Glad all went well with your eye surgery. Bring on the good vision!

  12. Oh, he was such a cute pup! Of course… they make them that cute so we’ll put up with all that mischief they get up to! Love how you finally got him to walk nice on the leash! He’s obviously a good listener! Gordie looks like a totaly sweetie.

  13. Ahhhh the puppy days…we miss them. Thunder, we can’t believe you were ever so naughty *BOL* We love hearing about our friends as puppies, we can’t wait for the next instalment.
    Wally & Sammy
    PeeS We’re sorry to hear of your mom’s eye surgery, we’re sending BIG licks that she heals quickly

  14. I love this post. You can’t go wrong with puppy pictures and Thunder was adorable!

    Sampson was (who am I kidding, he still is) a horrible leash walker. He was so bad I got to the point where I stopped walking him, it just wasn’t fun. He was also a big jumper and ripped up a favorite leather coat of mine.

    It took him a bit longer to ‘get it’ I think he was almost three, but you are right, it is like a switch flipped. Now if only I could get the flip to switch for Delilah. 😉 Glad to hear your eye is doing well. I was going to PM you, but figured that wasn’t the best idea. LOL

  15. I really enjoyed seeing the puppy photos of Thunder. It’s interesting how those behaviors stopped around 18 months of age. Puppies can be a handful, but they sure bring back funny memories too.

  16. he was certainly a cute puppy! I’m glad that he “teenage” behavior ceased so suddenly.

  17. I loved reading about Thunder as a puppy. You handled the challenges well. I would have loved to have seen you having that little roadside chat. 😉 Harper Lee has been such an easy dog from the very first day that I just know my next one will swing from the chandeliers!

  18. What a great story about Thunder growing up! It’s always hard to believe when they’re bratty puppies that they’ll actually grow up into good dogs. This gives me more hope for Luke. Another month or two and he’ll turn into an angel! LOL

  19. Great pup who turned into a greater dog. CHAMPION SH WDQ CGC wow!!!

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