Freighter likes to launch into the water when he is sent on a water retrieve.  We were out training and I was in a good position to get some pictures.  I think he needs to work a bit on his landing though.

Take Off
Take Off
Bottoms First
Bottoms First

18 thoughts on “Flying

  1. Bit of a belly flopper…bet Thunder or our Macha could teach him the tuck. Worry about the shallows. Erynn is just beginning to launch herself off a bank, the dock divers are headed to Maumee Anderson’s. might let Little B give it a try, she is a bundle of energy, endless! As alays, know that it will all come together for Mr. Excitement Freighter.

  2. Seeing everyone’s water pictures this morning makes me want to take the dog to the lakes. We have a huge one in our town and taking them early morning would be fun.

  3. He just needs a little practice to refine his technique…he has the spirit!

  4. Oh, a 3.2 from the Russian judge. He *does* need to work on his landing! 🙂 (Love the pics. How fun to watch him do that!)

  5. Looks like he needs to land a little farther out ready to go, not on his feet. That would be just my opinion.

  6. Hi Y’all!

    Made me want to let Hawk do some water retrieves today, until I saw the gator laying in wait out in the water.

    Y’all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

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