Storm had fun fetching the red bone up at the cabin this past weekend.  It was a dark overcast day.  It was tough to get decent action photos but I like this one of Storm.


10 thoughts on “Photography–Follow The Bouncing Bone

  1. Turn about! The cutting move. Headshot of Storm is a ringer for Macha, the eyes with thought behind them!

  2. Hi Y’all!

    Love the action stop action! Always fun to catch them in those twisted mid-landing positions when they are trying to catch a toy so something. Cameras let us appreciate their athleticism when the eye can’t really see the rapid movement.

    Y’all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. Is it a fillable bone, or just bouncy? Sampson plays with his empty Kong sometimes. I think he likes the way it bounces.

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