Storm wants to know how long before duck hunting opens.
Sorry Storm it is still a few weeks away. But in the mean time, you and Thunder need to get some exercise.

Have a nice weekend!
Thanks to SlimDoggy, MyGBGV Life, and To Dog with Love for the FitDog Friday Blog Hop!

Hey I know that duck, you guys have fun with it. Have a great weekend.
LOL I knew you would. They love it. Sometimes Storm just sits and stares at it. I keep it on top of a cabinet.
He’s such a gentlemen letting Storm steal the duck. Good boy Thunder.
That looks like a fun toy!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
How do you say NO to that plaintive expression?
I know. Storm is one dog who would retrieve anything until she keeled over.
Housemates develop their own play rituals and it is fun to see these! Macha never returned anything to hand if Cullen was around, instead he would wait for her to give it to him!
I have a really stupid question. What happens to the ducks? Do you eat them? Do the dogs eat them? Are there certain types of ducks you hunt for? I guess I have several questions and they’re not that dumb.
I’m curious what our dogs will do when ducks come to our property (new pond).
Not a stupid question. We eat wild ducks that we harvest during hunting season. We also use pen raised mallard ducks for training during hunt test season. We do not eat those. They are frozen and reused for training. If hubby hunts the river, usually he gets wood ducks. On the bay it may be any type migrating through, including geese. There are seasons an bag limits for each species.
You all should go kill off some of those Canadian Geese while waiting or duck season. They are so rotten. At least you have your orange duck to chase! Fun!
Brown dawgs would love that but we don’t have access to a place to hunt them. 🙂
Nothing like a good game of Grab The Flying Duck, eh? I bet you can’t wait until hunting season starts!
Don’t worry, hunting season will be here soon and you’ll be ready!
The dogs look like they’re conditioned and ready!
Look like they’re ready! Love the duck toy!
What a fun duck toy! I love when Barley wants to take her brightly colored toys outside with us because they’re so much easier for me to find when she loses interest and I have to get it to bring it in 🙂 Looks like they had lots of fun!
Looks like hunting season will be here real soon though! I’m so glad fall is slowly taking over the summer humidity.
They certainly do look ready to go! 🙂
What a fun way to while away the time while waiting for the real ducks!
What a fun filler activity before hunting season opens! Looks like the dawgs had a blast.
Hi Y’all!
Oh Thunder’s expression says it all! He’s just being a gentleman!
Y’all come on by,
Hawk aka BrownDog