A couple of weeks back Thunder got to go on what is probably the last of the wood duck hunting on the river for the season. Most of the trees have dropped their leaves and usually the wood ducks head south once that happens. Hubby noticed there were less ducks flying and that may be the reason. He had a chance at a double, but only ended up with one bird. Thunder did not care. He was happy for the retrieve.

Next year Thunder will be 10 1/2 by the time hunting season rolls around. We hope he will be still be physically able to hunt, but you just never know so we are glad he was able to have so many retrieves this season. (I am sure he would have liked more, but compared to last season it was a good season.)

I couldn’t load yesterday’s at all. I’ll go back and see if it opens now.
I’m really glad the old guy had a good season. He deserves it.
I hope he’s still hunting next year. He’s in really great shape and you take excellent care of him!
Hopefully he can keep on hunting for a while longer!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
I, too, hope Thunder will still be physically able to hunt again next year because he enjoys it so much.
Hopefully he can continue hunting.
I have had trouble with loading your site, but I just left it and did something else, and when I came back…here it was! What a pain for you!
We’re so glad Thunder had a good season, but we hope it will not be his last!
It took a few times to load but then we did what Jan did, we started loading, then came back when it was done. Technology loves to fail us, doesn’t it?
Thunder looks amazing; he may become a bit slower but I can’t imagine him not hunting for a few more years.
Great finish to the wood duck season, I hope you will get to hunt next year too. Sorry for the crap going on with your blog server, hope it gets fixed soon.
(As others mentioned, I couldn’t get on your site at all yesterday. Happy to see it back today! What a pain!) Glad Thunder had a good season! Hopefully he’ll still get to go next season!
Thunder the master of the wood duck! Terrific that he was able to bring something in. He will have that energy for a bit. I think senior Chessies store up stamina for the hunt!
Nice job Thunder!