Photography is a hobby of mine. I love taking photos of the brown dawgs when they are moving. I am still learning and it can be a challenge to capture them because they move so fast. It can be particularly difficult to get decent pictures in poor light, changing light and snow.
Our first walk of the new year had all three: poor light, changing light and a snowy background with snow flurries. Once again I am using my favorite lens-Canon EF-S18-200mm. I have others but this seems to be the one that I pick for most of my pictures.
Standing Photography
Thunder decided to stop for a bit during our walk and I was able to capture a nice image of him.

Thunder will be 10 the beginning of March. This photo of him standing naturally shows that he is still in great condition for a senior dog.
Of course I had to be quick with the camera because Thunder did not stand there long.
Running Photography
Thunder loves to run so in the next moment he came running.
Usually I don’t have much time to adjust my camera to compensate for different lighting conditions so I will usually set my ISO to auto even if I have set the exposure time and f-stop manually. That way if the dogs move suddenly, the camera can adjust quicker than I can manually change it.

The weather this winter has not been great for taking pictures outdoors because we have had so much rain. Hopefully it will calm down a bit so I can get out and practice taking more photos.
Those are great pictures. I love messing with pictures too and I think winter is really hard on cameras. I have to put mine on auto just to get the colors right. But those look good. Have a great day.
Your pictures are excellent as well.
Impressive job! Also impressed that you are practicing your f-stops; been very lazy lately and using auto and just focusing on what I’m framing. Thinking about it a minute, I realize that as arthritis gets worse, just getting the focus and frame are taking more effort. Thank goodness we’re living in an age where cameras can compensate for a lack of manual dexterity! Hope your new year is going well 🙂
There are also some excellent programs to help process photos and they are getting less expensive. I use those too on occasion.
That’s awesome! I’m just learning to use my new DSLR. I was thinking of posting a couple of pictures today too, but yours are so much better! Thunder is looking noble in the first shot, then all puppy when he runs.
I would love to see your photos. 🙂 I just keep practicing away.
Fantastic pictures! I’m a photography nut and just recently got a Nikon DSLR camera (finally). I’ve wanted one for YEARS and just took the plunge recently to get it. Now I’m learning all I can about getting that perfect picture.
Hope you love your Nikon as much as I love mine!
Good luck with your camera!
Love the ears in that last pic! haha!
My huskies can be challenging to photograph outdoors as well, they don’t like to stay still, especially when snow is involved!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Terrific shots of Thunder! Taking pictures in the snow can be so challenging.
Your pictures are amazing. I miss photography. It was so much fun until I tried to make a business out of it. I’m thinking of using my tax return to buy a treadmill or a new camera. Your posts have me leaning towards a camera.
Treadmill would be healthier no doubt….lol. I saw my exact camera on sale at Costco before Christmas for almost half of what I paid. That is the problem. The minute you get a camera, there is a new model. I still really like mine though so that is good.
Wonderful pictures! Mom tries to get me running and she is also playing with her camera trying to get different angles and such. Sometimes I even cooperate when she tries to take a photo of me!
Freighter is funny. if he sees me point the camera at him he comes a running. The problem is that then I need to unzoom super fast lol.
wonderful and fun photos! DakotasDen
I love the first one of Thunder standing. You can see the snow falling in the picture really well. Hopefully we have a chance to take Archer to the snow this year. Right now we’re only getting rain 🙁
It was an odd day with light snow showers and then some sun and then clouds. I think some of the snow is being blown off the pine trees too because it was not snowing so hard as to make me put the camera away but you are right I noticed it when I loaded the pics on my computer.
Love the flying shot! Photography in the winter is tough with the brightness of the snow, but also the shade areas. My photographer is always working on her technique too.
The changes in light always prove my challenge. The dogs will dart in and out of shadow and then of course they are brown so that makes it even harder. But I think bright sun on snow or bright sun against water are the most difficult, especially with dark dogs. I like to get their faces and usually they end up shadowed. I know I need to start to play with the metering. 🙂
Those are great pics of Thunder He shows up so well against the snow and you captured him perfectly in every one.
Great pictures, that last one is great, so silly.
You take some awesome pictures and I feel like you really capture the personalities of your dogs. I’m still only a point and shoot myself, I wish I could take the amazing pictures you do.
I did take our little camera along in case it started snowing too much. Lucky for me it didn’t. That little camera is great at close up and standing still photos, but for distance and fast moving subjects, I find it frustrating at times.
Poppy is photographer in this house! Or we rely on friends for photos, Have not used a camera much since was all thumbs with my Dad’s 35mm decades ago. Just satisfied to appreciate those who manage all that paraphernalia, especially the long lenses! Seem so top-heavy.
Thunder looks magnifivent, muscular! Almost a dog six pack…abs, whatever. Certainly as sleek as a thoroughbred!
Thunder still looks good for an old guy. He was happy to get out to stretch his legs.
You take great action shots! I tend to use the auto settings on my camera more, because I also think I will not be fast enough to change anything I need to….plus I just need to understand the settings better. I do like the sport setting on my new camera…it snaps off 2 or 3 shots very quickly and I’ve gotten some pretty good shots that way.
Really enjoy your pictures, especially the action photos. My guys need a photographer, it’s difficult taking pictures with a cell phone while hunting!