Freighter spent the weekend competing at a local dog show.
I guess it is every show dog’s dream is to attend the Big Kahuna of dog shows–
The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show at Madison Square Garden in New York city!
But it isn’t just show dogs that dream of attending the big show. Don’t you dream of attending the big show in person? Well this year we are happy to make it a little easier by offering a discount code to select seats.
Let’s Go: The 140th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Discount Code
On Monday and Tuesday, February 15-16, 2016 the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show takes place for the 140th consecutive year. Join the Westminster Kennel Club for this two-day event when hundreds of dogs from across the country come to Madison Square Garden to compete in categories such as Best in Group and Best in Show.

If you are planning to attend the big show we have a discount code for you.
Use code WKC1DOG to save 25% on select seats!
Follow this link for more information and to purchase tickets.
This post is in partnership with the Madison Square Garden marketing team to share information with our readers about the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show and to provide a discount code. The WKC logo is used with permission. We have received no compensation for this post.
Some day when the GBGV is full AKC it would be fun to go.
It will happen eventually but you don’t want to rush it. 🙂
Darn those dates don’t work for me this year. MSG is a short train ride away and it would have made a fun blog post.
That would be so much fun! Have you ever gone?
The closest we got was years ago (Thunder was a puppy) we were in NYC the weekend before the show. We went over to the hotel across from MSG where many dogs were staying and did a little shopping. Dogs were checking in and the vendors were already set up. It was fun but we had to leave before the actual show started.
Always thought the DKC at COBO was as close as we would get! Our Chessies liked the hustle and bustle of people, the hotel, attention and did well. We have a Salone Refusnick Art Show here in Toledo, perhaps the AKC should hold a similar event, just for the fun of it! There are some very nice dogs who never seem to win a “ribbin”.
Sounds like so much fun!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Oh gosh, I would love to go to the Westminster dog show. I love watching that. It is so much fun to see alll the different breeds.
My first writing conference was held the weekend before the show. I think it was probably about four years ago now. The conference was held at the Penn Hotel and a lot of the dogs stayed there. It was so cool to see so many dogs in a hotel 🙂
On my bucket list!
It’ll be streaming on my computer, our pup’s brother will be competing.