More From The Dog Show…
Freighter earned his Championship at Sunday’s dog show, but he also competed on Saturday. He did a great job on Saturday. Hubby has been working on not using bait in the ring with Freighter since he gets overly fixated on it. Without the bait, Freighter was not turning his head all over to try to spy it and he moved nicely. He ended up taking Reserve Winners Dog.
Here are a few pictures:

Freighter is Free Stacked in the next photo. Free Stacking is where the dog stops and stands naturally for the Judge. Freighter does a nice Free Stack here.

And Still More From Saturday…
Freighter wasn’t the only one to go to the dog show on Saturday. Thunder had an appointment for an evaluation at the Reproductive Clinic that was being held at the show. Thunder has a breeding coming up so his breeder wanted the Repro Vet’s opinion as to whether it was still possible to do a natural breeding with Thunder (rather than using frozen semen). As a dog ages (Thunder will be 10 in March), they become less fertile compared to when they were younger. Despite his age, Thunder’s sperm count is still good and it is a decent quality. The vet felt that Thunder could still sire a litter naturally.
With that out of the way, Thunder got in line to have an eye evaluation done (these used to be called eye cerfs). For the exam, the dog’s eyes are dilated and then a veterinary ophthalmologist checks the dog’s eyes for inheritable eye disorders. It is a good idea to have this evaluation done every year or at least before breeding the dog. Thunder’s eye evaluation was normal. If you want to know more about eye evaluations, check here.

And More From Sunday’s Show…
Two shout out congratulations.
First to Storm’s puppy Jesse who also finished her Championship on Sunday with a 3 point major, winning the Bred By Exhibitor class and then going Winners Bitch and beating Freighter for Best of Winners. Freighter said if he had to lose then he was OK with losing to a Storm puppy. 🙂

Also big congratulations to Storm’s breeder who took Best Of Breed and a Sporting Group 4 on Sunday with their bitch Roxy. Roxy beat 3 other bitch Specials (all with handlers) on Sunday to win Best of Breed.

Congrats to all the winners!
Finally Something Different…
I wanted to share these photos of some visitors to our bird feeders the last time we were at the cabin. They came in right at dusk and I took these pictures in dim light through the screen porch.

We do not normally get deer into the feeders. These two were quite small and probably only born last Spring.
Then another larger deer started to come in…their mama perhaps?

These are forest deer so they do not get as large as deer that live in a more agricultural area. The coyote hunters have done a great job at controlling the coyote population so we are starting to see more deer and turkeys.

The deer hung around for a little bit but were startled by some passing snowmobiles.

This is the Thursday Barks and Bytes Blog Hop hosted by Heart Like A Dog and 2 Brown Dawgs. Grab the badge and the linky code and join us! Its fun!

I really miss dog shows. Congrats to Jersey who finished her championship and won the Winners Bitch. storms breeder for taking Best of Breed and to who beat 3 other Bitch Specialty to win Best of breed. Congrats to the whole family that certainly has generations that meet and withe Standart and Best of Breed:)
Congrats Freighter, Congrats Jesse and Congrats Storm’s breeder :o) That was great to see how a dog show can be a wonderful event :o) I’m glad that the eye exam went well and there is nothing to fear with your eyes and with that other things :o) I cross my paws for thunders litter and I bet that brown dawgs are as cute as Glory’s :o)
Congratulations to all the winning pups – and great news on Thunder still being able to sire a litter naturally.
Congrats to all of you. You are all sure good looking dogs and sure deserve to win all those ribbons. Chesapeakes have always been one of my favorite breeds.
Congratulations Freighter! Great photos from the show – such handsome dogs – all of them. Fit and healthy looking! Good news on Thunder.
Looks like a fun day and you managed to snap off a few great pics to remember it.
Congrats on the Championship! YAY! And those are some great looking deer!
Very informative commentary and overview. Love the photo of Chessies waiting for cerf. Active dogs tend to stay quite healthy! Thunder’s viability to breed is proof of that, gives him a chance to be a legal Romeo for a bit!
Seems as if, even without strong winter, the coats are good. Thought all of the dogs pictured showed strength and character.
What adorable deer! Too cute. And woohoo! You guys looked great at the dog show!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Nice job and congrats to all the winners! A great weekend. Way to go Storm having a CH puppy! The deer photos are great, nice to see something different at the bird feeder.
You have a family of champions! Those deer look so sweet.
I loved seeing the deer. We sometimes see deer when we go to our favorite bed and breakfast (really just cottages in the country). It’s always a highlight.
Wow! Your breeder did good at the show! Congrats! We had Sherman’s sperm evaluated last year and it was pretty good for a 9 year old. There’s some frozen for future use but the breeder would like to do a fresh collect when she needs it. I miss the shows so much! We were thinking of putting Leroy in some Veteran classes over the holidays, just for fun, but we didn’t.
You should definitely enter. Veterans is a lot of fun because they sometimes have sweeps too and of course some shows have a special Veterans show.
Congrats again on Freighter’s championship! Glad everything checked out with Thunder and his swimmers are good to go. 😉
How do the brown dawgs do with deer in the yard? My two go ballistic.
We were very lucky that they were snoozing from all their outdoor time or that would have gone ballistic too.
I was thinking I had commented on this post, but then remembered for some reason it wouldn’t go through yesterday.
What a great weekend for everyone!
I love the deer photos…we haven’t seen our local deer much lately, just the tracks they leave behind in the snow.