We received Freighter’s Championship photo this week.

Looking at that photo, I was struck that Freighter really has not changed much from his first win photo back in January 2013.

Freighter was a year old when he earned his first point, (his only point from the Bred By Exhibitor Class) and four years old when he finished his Championship, (earning the remainder of his points from the Open Class). Although it seems like a long time between the two, we really did not show him that much because we took breaks over the summer for hunt test season and for the fall for hunting season.

What strikes me most about all of Freighter’s show photos is that he still looks so young. In the ring with younger dogs, he often looks younger than they do.

It is like Freighter is in a time warp. 🙂

We did not have photos taken of every win, just a few here and there and I have included them in this post. You may be wondering why Freighter looks like he is ready to spring in every photo. The photographer tosses a squeaky toy just before they take the photo. Usually it works to help get the dog’s ears up, but if it is Freighter, you better also be holding on to the lead!
Freighter you are always a champion… Congratulations, you really rock the shows!!!
Nice! Congratulations!!
Congratulations! He sure is a handsome boy!
I think it is in his face, certain angles and certain situations, He can look very mature when it is the serious business, concentration? It took Cullen a while to look like a middle aged male!
There is nothing wrong with looking young. We dogs age fast enough as it is. Nice work Freighter!
I know our dogs aren’t the same breed, but these posts give me inspiration to get Sydney in better shape. She’ll never hold this body style (I swear there is bully in her bloodline), but it would be lovely to see her trimmed down and looking so gorgeous.
He looks so handsome, and you are right, it does not look like he has aged a bit!
I do think he looks the same. Maybe he needs to share his ‘secret’ to staying so young looking.
Way to strike a pose, Freighter. Isn’t that the Portrait of Dorian Gray that kept getting younger? I wish that I did. LOL!
Beautiful!! Well done!!!
Looking good Freighter! Sherman and Leroy look so different now than they did in their championship photos! I had to laugh about holding on to the leash when the photographer is squeaking the toy because neither one of my guys ever cared about it! It was so hard to get them to look alert!
Congratulations Freighter great job. I am always surprised when Mom says you are 5. It can’t have been that long and you always look like a young pup when your playing, running and being mischievious 🙂
congrats again, beautiful photos.