Happy 10th Birthday Thunder!
It is hard to believe that Thunder was once a small little puppy.

Ten years have flown by in the blink of an eye. At ten, Thunder is still going strong. He is primarily hubby’s best hunting buddy and had a great season this past Fall.

Ten is kind of a milestone. Nature takes it toll, especially on a large dog. We hope we have Thunder for many more years and that he has many more hunting seasons, but at 10 years old we know those days are numbered. What ever time we have, the rest is gravy!
Look for more posts this week dedicated to our amazing Thunder-boy.

Happy birthday Thunder! Love from Rolo and Annabel. (Chocolate Labs in London UK aged 13 and 12 respectively.) May you have many more years of hunting.
Happy Happy 10th Birthday Thunder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are sooooooooo handsome!!!!! Wishing you the most pawesome day! Barks and licks and love, Dakota
Happy, HAPPY Birthday to Thunder! Oh, what a cute little guy you were…and you grew up into such a handsome dog. We hope the rest of your years are filled with all things that you love.
Happy birthday thunder!!
Happy Birthday Thunder! once a small brown puppy and now a beautiful brown dawg!!! hugs and kisses and toys and treats… and some ducks :o)
Happy 10th Birthday sweet Thunder! It is wonderful to know you are still going strong and enjoying hunting with your dad…his best buddy. What a handsome dog you are. Hugs and nose kisses, Mags, Chancy and Pooh
HAPPY BIRTHDAY THUNDER!!! with love, hugs, and kisses from all us Oakes girls!
Happy birthday Thunder!!!
Happy Birthday Thunder! I wish you many more good hunting days ahead.
Happy Barkday Thunder!!! With lots of slurps from Lady Girl and Pookie (and their mommy too!)!!
Happy 10th Birthday, Thunder! Keep going strong! What an adorable puppy and such a handsome old(er) gentleman now! 🙂
Still looking as handsome as ever though Thunder. As Jack says, “Age is just a number, and I’m a dog and don’t know what a number is”.
You’re a perfect 10, Thunder! Happy Birthday, and paws up for many more!
Erynn wants to know when the decade party is, she loves cake! Macha says welcome to the elder club!
And, You know Thunder, we seniors have what it takes! Experience. Keep the stamina for the special days and do not let the young ones challenge your authority! You are Master of the Blind! Age before everything! Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Thunder! Hope you have many more wonderful years with this beautiful boy 🙂
Where does the time go? Happy birthday gorgeous boy!
Happy Birthday, Thunder! If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have our awesome little Mich(igan) Grandson of yours! Someday, one of our Chessie Kiddos will outlive us because we can’t live without them.
Happy 10th Birthday, Thunder!
I’m sure you did something really nice for his birthday. I agree, time is precious as they age and I do hope you have many more years with your boy.
Happy belated birthday thunder!!! You are a handsome devil!
Happy Birthday Thunder!
Happy belated birthday!!!