Storm has a new exercise regime. She porked up over the winter. There is no way to sugar coat it. We tried to change her food to a lower calorie food, but that did not go so well because the new food did not agree with her and she ended up at the vet with an upset tummy. We could have tried a different food but rather than do that, we cut her food (and treats) back and are increasing her activity. The weather has improved so there is no reason she cannot get out to train along with Freighter.
Storm loves to train so she is definitely on board with this.

But an exercise regime means getting out more than once a week. Now that the days are longer she is able to get out several times a week. So the very next day she was out again retrieving more bumpers.

Do you have a springtime exercise regime planned?
good luck storm on your diet, can I send nellie over?
Here at the boot camp I live in, we workout all year round, and actually probably more in the winter months since none of us are big fans of heat and summer. I bet Thunder will slim down in no time.
Ducky has gained about a pound since her last vet visit; but she gets plenty of exercise between daycare and here at home. I’m not too concerned since dogs weigh more or less at different times of the day.
I’m sure Storm will be back to her svelte, girlish figure in no time.
Erynn is a thin, long dog! She and Hawke has some fun today wrestling, she is almost as tall if they are working on two hind feet. Since she never just walks anywhere, but flies in sudden bursts, she is shapely!
Macha has to watch the diet! Hopefully, the weaher warms up and she can exercise by just swimming about, her favorite exercise. Now as for the humans, time for walks and cycling!
No, nothing much changes with our exercise….besides varying where we walk, because sometimes we can’t walk in certain areas due to the snow.
I’m sure you’ll get Storm back in shape quickly!
The pups & I exercise every day – we go for daily backpack walks & have playtime in the yard 😉 Storm looked like she had a blast retrieving those bumpers. Good for her!
Since my older dog is having a harder time going for walks our exercise routine has changed. I make a point to take him on at least a 20-minute walk several times per week and to at least get out and about moving a couple of times throughout the day. Luckily he is not overweight but I know I still need to keep him active.