Senior Dog Stretching His Legs
There is nothing better than watching a senior dog stretching his legs and running free and happy in the field. This past weekend we got out to throw some training bumpers for our senior dog Thunder who will turn 11 next March. Even though he is a senior dog, Thunder has a lot of energy and now and again we need to get him out to burn it off. He also needs the exercise so we headed out to a ball field near our cabin so he could do some retrieving.
We threw bumpers for all three dogs (more on that in upcoming posts), but before it was Thunder’s turn to retrieve, he helped hubby bring some more bumpers out to me in the field.

Once my supply of bumpers was replenished, it was finally Thunder’s turn to retrieve. This field is all short grass so the bumpers were landing out in the open.

One or two retrieves are not enough to tire Thunder out so he made several. He had a blast and slept well that night.
I guess for a retriever it doesn’t matter if it is toys, balls, or bumpers, they just enjoy retrieving. Meanwhile, we stand there and look at the human as if to ask why they threw the thing, and they better pick it up themselves!
Go Thunder….age is not slowing you down at all! It amazes me sometimes how much energy our senior girls have. The only other senior we’ve had before these two was our beagle Kobi, and he was never a high energy dog. So to see our two girls still wanting to go strong at 12 years old makes me very happy.
Strut your stuff Thunder. Nellie would go with us as well to put out bumpers. The old dogs still want to do it!