Today Thunder turns 12 years old. He had a rough fall with severe dental issues. Back then we were not sure he would make this birthday, but he has fully recovered and is doing very well.

So what was wrong with Thunder? He contracted an infection in his jaw bone. I will go into more detail about this in my next post because it is kind of a long story and today is for celebrating Thunder’s milestone birthday. Thunder sure does not want to remember those nasty dental problems today.
What have we been up to? After Freighter finished his Master Hunter title last year, we put hunt test training on the back burner. We have been spending a lot of time at our cabin, which means that I have had less time for blogging. Most weeks, it is Thursday before I have time to sit down and write a blog post. Who blogs on Thursday? It is the worst day of the week to post. May as well wait until the next week, but then the next week would slip by.
I have been trying to figure out what direction I wanted to take my blog now that we are not doing any formal training and I have two senior dogs. I miss blogging and plan to get back to it with a post a week. I think I can keep that schedule. I probably will not be doing many product reviews so if you come here for that, you may be disappointed. I plan to blog about the dogs and other topics related to them. This is why I originally started my blog. As I said, my next post will be all about Thunder’s dental issues. Some other topics: an update on Nestle the cat, issues arising in the breed especially breeders who claim to be responsible but are not, lots of things…
But today is for celebrating as Thunder turns 12. Happy Happy Birthday Thunder!

Happy birthday, Thunder!
Happy Birthday, Thunder! Glad you are feeling better! We were just thinking about you the other day and hoping you were alright. Most bloggers seem to just disappear, never to be heard from again. Blogs change with life, so rather than hunting, maybe go in the direction of senior dogs and life with them. Nice to see a post again.
My other problem was not having much time to visit other blogs. The internet is horrible at our cabin. On the other hand, I have had time to read a bunch of books. 🙂
Thunder, Tule wishes you the happiest of birthdays
We’re so glad Thunder is OK, and celebrating his birthday! We’re also glad you will be back. We were glad to see you on Facebook some so we knew all was OK. As Emma said, some blogs just disappear and that is the worst. It sounds like you have some interesting posts planned and we look forward to them.
Happy Birthday, Thunder!
Welcome back and happy birthday sweet thing!
Happy Birthday Thunder!!!! …thursday is no bad day for blogging, we love your posts so any day we hear from you is a good day ;O)))
Glad to hear Thunder hung in there with the dental issue. Senior dogs can be very challenging at times.
Hope Thunder had a great birthday!
Happy Barkday Thunder❤️ Glad you’re feeling well for your Barkday xx