OK not completely buried, but we sure got our fair share. Monday I posted some pictures of the dogs playing while the snow was falling. It kept right on falling all of Super Bowl Sunday and by Monday morning we were buried. Some reports had snow totals over 16 inches, but I think our total was 12 or 13 inches. It is hard to tell exactly because we also had strong winds which blew it all around.
Due to the drifts, our street was impassable unless you had a 4 wheel drive truck so I spend an unexpected day home with the dogs. Sunday we had blizzard-like conditions, but Monday it was sunny. It was still bitter cold and windy, but nice enough for the dogs to get out and romp in the snow which was light and fluffy.

Sorry Storm. I am not wading through a foot of snow to get the Kong out of the run.
Freighter had a blast bounding through the snow. I took this first thing in the morning with my cell. The light was bad so the video is not the greatest, but you get the idea.
Freighter is also fond of stopping to snack on snow.

The snow is fun to run through while it is fluffy, but since it has gotten kind of crusty and it not as much fun. Getting out to the park to train is on hold until it melts some, but more bad weather is expected. That darn groundhog predicted 6 more weeks of winter and it looks like that will come to pass.
If you haven’t read our review of Sojos Baked Treats or entered our give-away for a box of Big Dog Biscuits & Gray dog treats, check it out here. It is open to US residents through Tuesday.

Have a nice weekend!
Thanks to SlimDoggy, MyGBGV Life, and To Dog with Love for the FitDog Friday Blog Hop!

Snow Dawgs!
Those dawgs were sure having a great time in the snow. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Great shots, enjoy! We’ve had quite the snowy winter and there’s more on the way!
Can’t get enough of watching dogs playing in the snow!! 😀 Our foot and a half is down to about six inches now, but it’s so frigid that it’s not melting and it’s frozen solid, which makes Daisy very happy that she can walk on it. Yesterday we had flurries, but they didn’t add up to anything more than a surface dusting (but they sure were pretty!). We may get more over the weekend if the wind is in our favor. I should really just move to Maine or the Dakotas! 😉
Woohoo! More snow time fun! We got a bunch more snow overnight! My huskies were stoked when they had their morning pee!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
We love watching snow dogs! We don’t get much of it here in Atlanta, so it’s a special treat (and not too much of a nuisance) when we do.
Looks like lots of fun and running through that snow is great strengthening exercise!
So much snow! Wow! Freighter is too funny running like a crazy dog through the snow. You can tell he really loves it. Stay warm and have a great weekend.
We feel your pain. Our walks are contained to the streets because we cannot get into the park. Never mind the hard work trying to plow through 2 feet of snow. We are expecting more too. I’m ready for some ground hog stew, how about you? 😉
I love to stick my whole head in the snow! We had over 19 inches and it snowed twice after that. So we’ve been having lots of fun too, great pictures! Love Dolly
You’re lucky you got so much snow! We have some, but then it gets warm and it is all crusty again. This winter is really not a good one with all the melting and refreezing.
Eck. 6 more weeks of this crap! We have drifts of snow in the backyard that are up to the boys stomachs and it’s funny to watch them make their way through! Sherman did a nice face plant yesterday but he was happy!
I imagine the snow sticks more to their long coats than our short coated Chessies!
They are lucky they are big dogs…as you know, I am in Michigan too and we got the same. Imagine being a small Sheltie in that crap…’nuff said. Barks and licks and love, Dakota
Those are some happy snow pups!! Love how enthusiastic they seem to be about that powdery stuff 😉 Ours like to eat it too ~ we’ve been spared so far, this winter, but you never know…NC weather is unpredictable, and last winter we had our fair share of snow.
Storm the Abominable Snow Queen! Masked and ears flying. Thunder looks a bit more dignified, savoring the snow. Well, Freighter is just plain hog wild, what a delight! interesting to see how even
a change in weather brings out individual personalities.
Erynn came in with her face and shoulders covered, she id tracking every critter that thinks they are walking deep under the snow, undetected. Last night Macha insisted on heading out, 12 a.m.,
there were a trio of deer in the neighbor’s yard, and she just had to tell them do not jump the fence into my yard!
Hope this does last as they all seem to have a special exuberance with the white fluff. Stay warm!
That picture of Storm with snow on her face and her ears flying is the best! I got an unexpected day home with the pets on Monday, too. Since nobody was out on the roads, Barley and I got to do some adventuring down to the park near our place 🙂 It was even 30 degrees here, so we got to actually enjoy walking through the snow instead of rushing to get back to the hot chocolate!
Now that’s a lot of snow! Love how Storm just embraces it. lol
That is quite a bit of snow! Higher than Mr. N. Even though he’s leggy, he’s only eleven inches tall. The dogs look like they’re having fun though.
They are so cute! The girls liked to play in the snow for all of about 5 minutes. LOL
Looks like they are enjoying the snow. We haven’t had snow since November just rain. Wednesday we finally got 2″ which is mostly gone. We did get the freezing temps though.
I just nominated you for the Liebster Award 🙂 If you’d like to accept it, you can read more about it here: http://celloscorner.com/2015/02/07/liebster-award-nomination-our-first-blogging-award/
Thanks! I am a bit behind but hope to get something up soon.
They sure were enjoying romping in that snow! We’ve been getting a bunch of it here, too … more coming tonight/tomorrow!
Hi Y’all!
Now that is keepin’ fit! What a workout!
Y’all come on by,
Hawk aka BrownDog
What great snow pictures and exercise!
It never gets old watching them romp in the snow, does it? We haven’t gotten any real big storms where we are, but it seems like we get a couple of inches every few days so it’s been adding up. We have a lot on the ground now, and it’s snowing again today!
That looks lots of fun! I love it when the snow is so deep that I have to bounce along.
Hate to say it but I’m missing the snow and winter on this side of the Rockies!