Last week was a lousy week.  We spent a good part of the week going back and forth to the vet with our senior dogs, Thunder and Storm.

Thunder turned 10 last month and it seems old age is creeping up on him.  Oh he still looks as fit as ever but he is starting to get some old dog issues.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever Hunt Test Training
Thunder Running A Water Mark This Past Saturday

A couple of months ago we noticed that he had blood in his urine.  The vet did a physical exam and a urinalysis.  It was suspected that he may have a UTI or perhaps it was an issue with his prostate.  The physical exam showed that his prostate was a bit large, but not overly so for a senior intact dog and it was not painful.  The urinalysis showed blood, some crystals, but no bacteria.  Thunder was put on a round of antibiotics in case it was an infection of the prostate.

Before he finished the antibiotics we did another urinalysis that showed no blood but a trace of protein.  The vet also did an x-ray to rule out kidney stones.  The x-ray was clear of stones.  The plan was to repeat the urinalysis when Thunder had his dental which was delayed about a month after the antibiotics.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Thunder Still Likes To Launch Into The Water Even At 10 Years Old

Fast forward to last week when we woke up one morning to blood all over the kitchen floor.  You know when your dog cuts a pad and spatters blood all over as they walk?  It was like that, only worse because I knew it was not a cut pad.  It was either Thunder or Storm since both sleep in the family room and have run of that area.

Based on his recent issue, I figured it was Thunder.  I hustled him to the vet first thing in the morning.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Thunder Powering Through His Lousy Week Into The Pond

Our vet is a walk-in clinic and has several vets on the floor at any given time.  I asked which vets were seeing patients and requested that the owner of the clinic see Thunder.  I call him Old Dr. B because  he has been a vet since I was a kid.  I wanted a vet with a lot of experience.  There were other vets I would have requested, but they did not happen to be there at the time.

After examining Thunder, he ordered another urinalysis.  He was leaning toward the prostate causing the problem but he wanted to get the results of the urinalysis first which meant we had to wait a few days for results.

The results showed a lot more blood than the first urinalysis, protein,  higher white cells but no bacteria.  He said he could chalk it up to the prostate, but since there was so much blood, he felt an ultrasound of the abdomen, particularly the bladder and prostate, was in order to rule out any other issues.  Now this is getting serious.

He referred us to the local vet hospital and lucky for us they happened to have an opening last Friday and hubby was able to take Thunder.  The internist who did the ultrasound was very thorough.  She examined Thunder from tip of the nose to tip of the tail.  She was impressed by his muscle tone and condition for a 10 year old dog.  All the training and field work is paying off in his old age.  She did discover an issue with his canine where it looks like it is shoved up into his gum.  That is new and happened since the vet looked at him to schedule his dental.  We will have to take care of that soon.  We have no idea how he did it but it does not seem painful.

The ultrasound itself showed only a benign enlarged prostate.  All of his other organs were in excellent condition.  In fact she remarked they are like that of a five year old dog, no tumors, polyps, or fluid in the abdomen.  If they had seen anything suspicious they would have done a needle biopsy while he was there.  Thank goodness that was not needed.  Old Dr. B was right, it was an intact senior male dog issue.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Thunder Was Given A Clean Bill Of Health So Why Not Do Some Water Retrieves

Treatment for enlarged prostate is to have Thunder neutered or to put him on a very expensive monthly medication.  The problem with the medication is that it can decrease sperm quality so either way his breeding days would be over.  We need to discuss the results with our vet but we are fairly sure that we will have Thunder neutered, (his breeder had him collected years ago so there is frozen for future litters).  We can do the dental at the same time.  We were relieved it was nothing more serious.

I mentioned that Storm had a vet visit too.  I will have more about her visit tomorrow.  Long story short she has an injury and is on rest for now.

Despite our lousy week, we had a great weekend with beautiful weather and some fun training on Saturday.  Let’s hope that we will have smooth swimming going forward.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Thunder Is Hoping For Smooth Swimming

14 thoughts on “Powering Through A Lousy Week

  1. Sorry you had such a rough week! It’s never easy watching them get older, but I’m glad that you had some nice weather to enjoy at the end of the week. Keeping my fingers crossed that both pups are on the mend!

  2. Here’s to smooth swimming for you guys!! I’m sorry about your lousy week and hope that Thunder will be back to health very soon. It’s amazing what regular exercise does – how wonderful to read that he has the body condition of a 5 year old pup. I hope that Storm will recover quickly as well.

  3. can’t click like because it is oh so stressful when they are ill. I am hoping they are both on the road to recovery soon. If you ever want another back-up Vet….I have been going to DePorre since 2001 when I moved here………..they have won numerous awards and are superb! I am sure your Vet is too. DakotasDen

  4. Sometimes everything hits the fan at once. Our 2016 started out that way but has slowly gotten back on track. It is no fun. Hope both dogs will be alright.

  5. O man what a dark cloud of sorrows hangs over your kingdom…. hugs to thunder I hope everything goes well and the neutering will help to solve that problem. And hugs to Storm too…. and a lot potp to you all…

  6. I’m so glad to hear it is something manageable with Thunder. And poor Miss Storm, we can so sympathize with her and her injury, it is very hard. Sending good thoughts your way!

  7. So sorry life has been dealing you guys a rough hand lately! But happy that Thunder’s issues are manageable. Poor Storm with her injury!! After Callie’s two CCL injuries/surgeries/recoveries, and Shadow’s random sprains here and there over the years, I can certainly relate. I hope that Storm’s injury is not too serious and that rest will be enough for it to heal on its own! You’re all in my thoughts and prayers! I’ll make sure that Angel Callie watches over your seniors for you.

  8. Ugh, that is a rough week. When it rains it pours, which doesn’t seem fair. I’m glad at least that there is a solution to Thunder’s issues and he will be OK. I think the worst part is when you don’t know what’s going on and can’t help but worry about all the really bad things it might be.

  9. Goodness, we go into overdrive when health becomes an issue. Fortunately our Dr. B. has known all of our dogs! They are his favorites, if a doc can have such! Yesterday was time for the annual wellness exams, lab work, shots and summer meds. Macha is 11 and a half, and like Thunder still launches. Her rear is changing a bit, we watch her hips. Sitting on the floor, Dr. Bart did a range of motion with Macha’s leg, no issues. Guess activity, especially swimming, has kept our Queen in shape. Worst part of the visit was a yelping cat, which unnerved Macha. Erynn was throwing questioning looks, “What is going on?” Both dogs marched out of the office as model canines, probably happy to have the ritual finished.
    Hope Thunder’s health stays steady, he just looks terrific in the action shots!

  10. That does sound like a lousy week! I’m sorry. It all happens at once doesn’t it? I hope Thunder feels better soon. We keep a close eye on the prostates here too. Unfortunately the vet can never feel them because the boys are so big!

  11. Oh boy Thunder, I’m so glad your ultrasound didn’t show any polps or tumors. I had Norman neutered at 11 because of an enlarged prostrate. He was fine after that.Good luck with the procedure and dental when you do it.

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