A puppy needs many new experiences.  After a great day of hanging out with the big dogs while they trained, Freighter went to our cabin for the very first time.  We still have some crusty snow up there and he had a blast exploring.

Look At All Of This Snow!


Just Let Me Run Around Without My Leash On. I'll Be Good, I Promise.



At one point hubby needed to run our atv to charge the battery because he hasn’t had to use it much this winter to plow the snow.  Freighter was a little concerned about it.  So hubby got out a bumper to distract Freighter and now the sound of an idling atv is just white noise to him.  With any luck he will continue to think life is all about bumpers.  🙂

Hey What's This?


Maybe I Will Pick It Up


Carrying It By The Rope Is Not Working


Another One


I'll Get It


Little Retriever

Finally, I started a Facebook Page and a Twitter.  They are both works in progress.  My hope is to use them to update the escapades of the brown dawgs in real-time or to share things that I come across which don’t really fit in with my blog.  Maybe it will be a training photo, how we are doing at a test, or an interesting training/pet related article.  Just a snip here and there.  I put a badges in my sidebar which will take you to the pages or you can access Facebook from this link where you can “Like” us and Twitter from this link where you can “follow”.  Talk about new experiences, I am sure I will have a learning curve as I start to use these.  Also, I will be looking to follow/friend others as I visit around.  🙂

29 thoughts on “New Experiences

  1. Freighter sure looks like he is going to be such a good retriever. Great shots, he’s a natural for the camera. It’s good subjecting puppies to new sounds and places. Fred used to be a little weirded out by the lawnmower. I read your article in The Beat Goes On. It was very impressive! I am new to twitter and facebook too and really don’t know what I am doing half the time, but I am slowly learning as I go.

  2. He is just such a cutie. I love watching little pups figure out how to manipulate things which are too heavy or big for them just yet. Have a great day!

  3. He just keeps getting cuter!! Where we train, we assign the new puppies with a “scavenger hunt” where they have to introduce their dogs to a two page list of different objects/people/animals. That is always the funnest part of puppy training!

  4. I have to admit my heart beat a little faster when I saw the caption about running around without the leash on. 🙂 I’m following you on twitter now, but don’t ask me what I’m doing because I still don’t know a lot about twitter.

  5. distracting him from the noise is a great idea for making it a not-scary thing. Most of the things that make gwynn nervous are objects, rather than noises, but i might have to try that for any noises that do come up. He is just the cutest thing!

  6. Oh, we absolutely LOVED that year of “firsts” with Daisy. It was so much fun watching her reactions to different scents, textures, and places. Freighter is showing himself to be a natural retriever (I had no doubts!).

    Love the pics, he’s just adorable in every single one. 🙂

  7. He will be a wonderful retriever. And of course the cuteness is over the top.

  8. Oh, that bottom picture of him, bumper in mouth, is adorable! He looks like such a serious little dude.

  9. I love it when pups are trying to figure things out – like Freighter did trying to pick up the bumper with the rope and realizing it didn’t work! He’s a quick learner, and will be a brilliant retriever!
    His cuteness is overwhelming . . .

  10. I love watching Freighter work out what he needs to do with each item and how to do that. It been a while since puppies (I would love one now) but watching them go through the process of learning is so much fun to watch and Freighter is a thinker and adorable. Thank you.

  11. Freighter!
    The Collies just voted that you have the most gorgeous face of any puppy they ever saw! We love the pictures and seeing you playing. We will see you on FB!

    Your friends!

    THe Collies and Chuck 🙂

  12. Glad Freighter got over his unease about the ATV so quickly. I found you on facebook and twitter easiy, and I look forward to following. Although I still don’t really “get” this twitter stuff, but I think I have facebook down. 🙂

  13. Welcome to the 21st century. Ha, ha. Liked and followed! I look forward to finding out what you guys are up to in real time.

  14. Love the pic of Freighter with the bumper in his mouth. I’m still waiting for my person to make my Facebook page. She keeps using that word busy. When she does I’ll come over and “Like” your page.

  15. I don’t know how you can stand to be around such cuteness all of the time. It would make me crazy! I liked your FB page and I’m now following you on Twitter. Looking forward to following you here, there and everywhere! 🙂

  16. What a smart and adorable growing boy! Love his face!

    So you took the networking plunge? It’s not so bad, really. 🙂

    Love the new look on your blog, too!

  17. yay for bumpers!! Most of our dogs grew up with 4 wheelers and tractors around… and once birds and cap guns came into the picture it was all gravy from there. Hope the trick of using bumpers carries on for life with him. I wish we had a cabin to escape to, enjoy it! I have not decided if i am keeping my AKG Inspiration FB page yet… I shall check yours out.

  18. Oh my litte Freighter..well we wouldn’t call you little for much longer. Your going to grow up to be such a stunner!

    Oh great you have a facebook page, we are watching you!


  19. What a sweet boy– he really looks like he is taking to those bumpers! How great, a little retriever in the making 🙂

    We found you on Facebook yesterday by coincidence and now we’ll find you on Twitter. Thanks for sharing the photos– he looks like he was born for this!!

  20. Aww…just can’t get over these cute puppy pictures!! Freighter’s expression is priceless!!

    I’m also finally learning to use Facebook properly! Interesting learning curve! I’m quite enjoying it -although it’s now taking up yet MORE of my free time (which is why I’m so behind in catching up with blog friends) – and I mostly use Honey’s account, rather than my own…but it’s been quite cool learning to “Tag” and “Share” and “Like” stuff! 😛


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