A retriever is supposed to hold the duck until he delivers it to his handler.

Duck In Mouth
Duck Not In Mouth

Then the ultimate…


And that sums up how Thunder’s first Finished test went.

More details on the test tomorrow.

This is a Blog Hop.  Thanks to  Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog, Luna, a Dog’s Life, and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop.  Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

Monday Mischief

19 thoughts on “Monday Mischief–Duck In Mouth

  1. Ruh roh, that duck looks like a mouthful!

    Your pal, Pip

  2. OMD, I guess Thunder wasn’t in a retrieving frame of mind! Thanks for the morning smile. 🙂

  3. Hey Thunder,

    You’re such a good Mischief Maker buddy!! Loved the raspberry when he wasn’t looking!! Tee Hee

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  4. Raspberries, yum! Better than old wet duck any day of the week!

  5. Sorry to laugh, he was doing so well on his practice guess he didn’t want a test. Love the raspberries 🙂

  6. Good try Thunder, you’ll do better next time! 🙂 But since mostly people would choose raspberries over a wet feathery duck, what you did is completely understandable! So great effort Thunder!


    Popcorn 🙂

  7. At least Thunder got the duck half way there.

    Happy Monday!
    Colby @PuppyInTraining

  8. You, that’s what every dog thinks when they have to give up a bird! lol.

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