This ‘N That Thursday is for those times when you want to post about unrelated topics or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post.  It can be anything you want, so feel free to grab the button and join us!

Is There An App For That?

I have been playing around with a couple of apps for my iPhone.  In addition to the normal photo and weather apps, I have been looking for something that is a good substitute for my google reader.  I decided to try Newsify because it had decent reviews and seemed to have the features that I wanted.  It synch’s with my google reader which is nice.  I know WordPress offers a reader but it doesn’t work well for non WordPress blogs and I find it a bit cumbersome to use.  So far I like Newsify and may eventually add the WordPress blogs I follow to this reader.  I think the cost for this app was 99 cents.  🙂

For something really different, I am also playing around with a range finder app that uses my iPhone camera.  When we are throwing marks, it would be nice to know the approximate distance.  We can eyeball it, but sometimes it is difficult.  The one I am trying out is Distance Cam +.  You slide the little icon to match the size of the objects around where you want to measure.  I realize it will never be as accurate as a $400 range finder, but for 99 cents, I will give it a whirl.

Which apps do you like the best?

Little Brown Dogs 100 Or So Yards Away Are Really Little

Yep it is true.  Trying to take pictures when the dog and handler are so far away are sort of beyond my camera’s range.

Freighter Is That You?
There You Are Brown Dawg

It Is Beginning To Look Like Autumn

It is starting to look a bit like autumn around here.  Leaves are starting to turn and fall and the temperatures are finally cooler.  The lake where we trained the other day looked beautiful.

Nice Evening

I am sure we will have some warm weather before winter hits, but for now, I am enjoying the beginning of fall.

14 thoughts on “This ‘N That Thursday

  1. Those apps look really nice.
    The wordpress app sucks, it’s constantly crashing and the readers it’s useless, stats the same. I’ll gotta check out Newsify.

  2. It is really beginning to look a lot like autumn! We have a smart phone but only have a handful of apps. Sad, I know. We need to check some out!

  3. I don’t have an iPhone, but the apps looks like a lot of fun, which is making me want one.

    Our day today is feeling like fall too–Right on time! 🙂 Hope you’re enjoying your week!

  4. Hi Y’all,

    Thanks for stoppin’! Great to see you!

    Despite my Human Papa making fun, my Human Mama has on a turtle neck jersey, long johns and a sweater today. Temps finally broke into the low 60’s but the breeze is chilly.

    Hope y’all are havin’ a great day!

    Y’all hurry back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. Fall is coming and your lake does look beautiful. We have a reservoir not far from the house that is surrounded by trees, it looks so beautiful in the fall.

    The apps I use on my phone are mostly silly apps. I do have a calorie counting app. One of my favorites (I have a droid) is called Urban Spoon, that might be one you could use. It helps you locate restaurants when you are traveling. 🙂

    Have a great weekend!

    1. The problem with where we travel is that there isn’t always reception…lol. But I will check it out. Thanks for the tip.

  6. I love fall!!

    I have several apps on my phone but I really love my calendar because it alerts me when I have an appt., etc. love that since a calendar only helps if you actually look at it daily to see what you have scheduled, which I am very bad at doing so the alert is very handy 🙂

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