This ‘N That Thursday is for those times when you want to post about unrelated topics or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post.  It can be anything you want, so feel free to grab the button and join us!


I did not catch up on my blog reading over the weekend as much as I had hoped because I was consumed with making my 2013 calendar.  Last year I used Mixbook.  (I saw a link on someone’s blog.)  I was very happy with the quality of the calendar compared to others I have made in the past.  They offer pre-made templates, but they are fully customizable.  I used a pre-made template last year, but made some changes.  This year I am making my own from scratch so it is taking a bit longer.  I am almost done…finally.

Here are some pages so far…

I may swap out some pictures, but I have most of the basics in place.

Home Again 

Storm is back home.  Now that she is off puppy watch, she can get back into training and hunting.  The dogs have to make a road trip to the vet’s tonight.  Storm is slightly overdue for her vaccines.  We were holding off in case she was pregnant.  Thunder may get his cast off tonight.  Hopefully.  I am tired of wrapping it in plastic when it rains.


Night Moves

We have been letting Freighter sleep in the bedroom.  I call it the third child effect.  You know how parents try to be super strict with the first child in the family.  Then with the second they try to avoid any mistakes they made with the first kid.  With the third, anything goes.

I think Thunder was well over a year old before he graduated from his crate to the bedroom.  Storm was almost two years old.  Freighter, well he got the privilege soon after he came home from the trainer.  9 months I think.

It has been going well.  Mostly the dogs snooze all night long, except…

I Claim My Spot

…when Nestle shows up to claim her spot on the end of the bed.  Freighter is still pretty interested in her.  You would think she would avoid him.  No, she is stubborn like that.  If she shows up, there is a little less sleep for all of us.

How is your Thursday going?

16 thoughts on “This ‘N That Thursday

  1. The calendars are great! I’m trying to catch up on blog reading, and I just read that Storm’s not pregnant – we’re so sorry to hear that. I wonder why she was looking a bit wider? Love that photo of Nestle!

  2. I love your calendars! Thanks for the website too, I have an idea brewing….:-)

    I hope Thunder gets his cast off tonight and I bet Storm will be so glad to get out and hunt again!

    Happy Thursday!!!

  3. January looks great.
    Now you have all the family together.
    Does Nestle ever gets into fights with the puppy?
    Doggy’s never seen a cat in his life, but I’m sure he would go after it.

  4. You are sooooo right the later dogs are more spoiled. But in my case better trained too. Rick and has feeling guilty and letting all four in the bedroom. I don’t get much sleep competing for space. I like it better two at a time. Storm will be fine with some activity!. Tell Jim for me that we are getting serious about the throphy and want it in Burt. LOL!

    I am going to check out your calender site I like to scrap book them but it takes forever this way I can do it a little quicker.

  5. Firstly thank you for the info you posted on our blog, very interesting and helpful, thank you!

    LOVE the calender, very well put together. Sorry to hear Storms not pregnant, but way to graduate to the bedroom Freighter!


  6. I missed the post about Storm being off pregnancy watch. Sorry no pups are coming this time. Maybe next time….

    Paws crossed that Thunder gets his cast off so he can play and get muddy and fetch some ducks.

    As for Freighter being allowed in the bedroom – the youngest ALWAYS gets spoiled. And the oldest ALWAYS gets the most goodies when their are leftovers. What do us middle dogs get? Squat. That’s what. 🙁

    Freighter – you should stay away from that cat. All cats are EVIL. My peoples lock our cats up at night so Leah the Zombie won’t eat them.

  7. I’m going to check out your link for the calendar! I’ve made calendars before but I like the one you are making! Might have to give it a try:) So sorry that Storm isn’t pregnant – I was looking forward to puppy pics!

  8. OMG! I love your calendar! That January “Winter Baby” is perfect! I had to laugh at Nestle. She’s doesn’t care if Freighter’s the third or not. She’s the first and only kitty and she probably loves to get on the bed just to taunt him! LOL!

  9. Sounds like things are going well around your place. Had to giggle about Nestle and Freighter…some of that goes on around here too. Love, love the calendar…good job!! Hugs and nose kisses

  10. Calendar is looking wonderful, I also do a yearly calendar and you reminded me I need to get on that. Nestle looks wonderful. Yeah for Freighter in the bedroom, I have all 4 in the bedroom, 3 in my bed and one under the bed. Sorry Storm is home because no puppies but glad she is back with you.

  11. LOL I have always been a softie from the get go however Titan does sleep in his crate for now since he will be going with Dave to Tennessee I didn’t want to get him too used to a cushy life 😉

    I love that calendar, I will be checking that out so thanks so much for sharing the link.

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